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*continuing on from the previous chapter*
Ryan: come on in
*Alison and Claire enter*
Dove: where are the rest of you?
Alison: they decided that we shouldn't all come in at once, they said they'd see you later
Ryan: okay
Claire: care to introduce us?
Dove: okay
Ryan: so the eldest is the one who Chloe's holding, a little boy named Alfie James
Claire: aww
Alison: that's so cute
Claire: and who's this little cutie right here
*she says whilst playing with the fingers of the little girl whom Ryan is holding*
Dove: that's our little girl
Ryan: her names Charlotte Sophia
Claire: they're so amazing guys
Dove: they really are aren't they
Alison: I still can't believe that they grew inside you Chlo
Dove: oh trust me after having to go through getting them out its a lot easier to believe
Ryan: well done honey, I'm so proud of you
Dove: well to see these two right now is completely worth it
Alison: do you know when you're allowed to go home?
Ryan: tomorrow seeing as it is already half 11
Dove: yeah I think we should be able to go home tomorrow morning
Claire: well that's good
Alison: alright we'll give you some time to yourselves
Ryan: okay bye guys
*Alison and Claire leave*
Ryan: we're parents now
Dove: am I the only one who finds that super weird?
Ryan: no I do too....But I kinda like it
Dove: yeah me too

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