The news

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*one week later, they're all at home, dove's still a little weak after the incident from the week before, she is sat on the couch resting, Ryan's orders, she still hasn't told him about her pregnancy, she doesn't know how, she's playing around on her phone then she looks at the news, what's she sees shatters her heart, he walks into the living room from the hall, he takes one look at her face and runs over, he can't read the expression but he can tell that it's very bad*
Ryan: Baby?! What's up?! Do you feel ill again?! Are you okay?!
*dove cannot summon up the words to tell him what's wrong so she just turns the phone for him to read it, he takes one look at the title of the article she has up on her phone and a look of pure terror spreads across his face, the title simply reads 'RYAN MCCARTAN CHEATING?'*

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