1st day ~ part 1

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*about a week later doves alarm rings at 6:30am dove grumbles and rolls over to turn it off, Ryan rolls over closer to her, he wraps his arms around her her waists and kisses her neck*
Ryan: you gonna get up baby?
Dove: I don't want to
Ryan: but you've got to sweetheart
Dove: ugh, just ten more minutes
Ryan: and that will turn into an hour and then you'll be late
Dove: ugh fine
*she sits up and he does too*
Dove: first table reads today
Ryan: you excited?
Dove: what if I completely mess it up?
Ryan: you won't
Dove: but if I do
Ryan: you won't babe
Dove: I'll be back in a second
*he follows her as she runs into the bathroom and throws up, he holds her hair and eventually she finished being sick, she gets up, walks back into the bedroom and sits on the bed*
Dove: I really hate morning sickness
Ryan: I know you do babe but it'll all be worth it when we have that little baby girl to take care of
Dove: you always say that
Ryan: are you denying it's true?
Dove: no
Ryan: then there you go
Dove: whatever I'm gonna get dressed, could you drive me to work later?
Ryan: sure
Dove: thanks baby
*she gets dressed and then has breakfast and a while later at around half seven Ryan drives her to work, they get there just before eight, they kiss goodbye and then she goes in, she was one of the first to arrive and one of the AD's shows her where she's supposed to sit, she gets her script out of her backpack and begins to read it when a familiar voice starts talking to her*
Mitchell: another early bird I see
Dove: WEL they do get all the food and stuff and at the moment I'm always hungry soooo
Mitchell: okay then
*they both laugh a little bit*
Dove: so do you know who else is here?
Mitchell: Kenny's here somewhere I think and there's producers and writers and that lot but none of the cast other than you and me
Dove: cool
Mitchell: so how've you been, I haven't seen you in how long has is been now? Nearly a year
Dove: been okay, we had a few issues a couple of weeks ago but now they're all straightened out in pretty good, how about you
Mitchell: well I got engaged actually
Dove: well congratulations
Mitchell: thank you and congratulations on the baby
Dove: thanks
*sofia walks up behind them*
Sofia: boo!
Dove: woah hi
*Sofia laughs as dove and Mitchell both bounce straight out of their chairs*
Sofia: you guys good there?
*still laughing*
Mitchell: Jesus Sof you don't just sneak up behind people
Sofia: well actually to clarify I do
Dove: not when they're pregnant you shouldn't, not good for me you know
Sofia: okay sorry
*she chuckles a smidge and so do they*
Dove: so how you doing then?
Dove: alright as couple of weeks but we're passed it, Ryan was a rock I mean I was shit to him but he never said a word just went with it
Sofia: you got a good one there Chlo
Dove: I know.....it feel weird calling me that?
Sofia: totally
Dove: you wanna stop
Sofia: nope
Dove: okay then
Sofia: so what do you mean problems
Cameron: hey guys!
Everyone: hi
Cameron: what we talking about?
Dove: my issues
Cameron: like all of them cuz that could take a while
*she throws her script at him*
Cameron: woah easy
*they all laugh*
Dove: but no they just had to run a few tests, we were worried there for a little bit that something might go like really wrong but apparently the baby's having a little bit over extra work to get enough oxygen so probably some medical assistance at birth and possible some minor breathing help for the baby just after she's born then we're all good, everyone living, breathing and pretty much completely healthy
Sofia: did I catch a she I'm there?
Dove: yep, baby girl
Cameron: congrats
Mitchell: yeah congrats
Sofia: but that doesn't sound very fun all the tests and stuff
Dove: not particularly, let's just say big needles stabbing me in the abdomen
Cameron: yikes
Dove: yeah not great, I can still feel it a little bit I think that's more in my head
Sofia: I can imagine it would be
Dove: but yeah the bad thing was how terrible I was to Ryan after, like I just needed space to try to regain some composure and not break down, I literally kicked him out of his own bed and hid from him for a week, I would only leave our room, in fact even the bed when I knew there was almost no chance of him seeing me, and I was the worst mother on the planet
Mitchell: I doubt that's true
Dove: I stepped foot in the nursery once and that was when I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and Charlotte dropped her little bunny as I went past the door, I saw them once for a whole week, I was to busy moping and feeling sorry for myself as opposed to being the wife and mother I should've been, the fact that Ryan didn't ever just snap, at me or in general was insane, I would've screamed so hard if I'd have been him, being not allowed near him for a week would emotionally destroy me, pregnant or no
Cameron: wow
Dove: yeah I know, terrible person right?
Sofia: not at all
Dove: I mean I guess it was like before we knew the results of the tests so we were just left there in suspense and pure fear at least on my part and I'm pretty sure his too, he just got up and got on with it because someone had to it had become evident that that someone wouldn't be me
Mitchell: you're way to hard on yourself you know
Dove: maybe, when I finally worked myself up to going in to him and the twins I barely got in there and his phone went with the test results, he just turned round and went for it
*they look at her confused*
Dove: we made out, well kinda it was close enough after being completely separated for a week
Sofia: in front of the twins?!
Dove: momentary lapse in judgement
Mitchell: look here comes Booboo
Booboo: hey, Kenny's right behind me, and then the others are coming in, sarah, Brenna, Jedidiah and all the others
Dove: let's get this party started, it's only got id say 4 maybe 5 months on it
Sofia: I don't really envy you having to work right now
Dove: I didn't have to, Disney only started these rehearsals now because I said I was still up for it before I have the baby, they were gonna wait until after I had the baby and had had a few months with her and my family, they were seriously desperate for this however they could do it
Mitchell: just don't let it go to you're head
*they all laugh including her*
Dove: right now the the only thing going to my head is the extreme level of raging hormones running through my system so id watch where you step with me, I've been known to just spiral, Ryan spends pregnancies hugging and trying not to annoy me
Sofia: damn you have him trained
Dove: surprisingly enough he came that way

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