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You the next day they wake up and it's Christmas morning*
Ryan: merry Christmas princess
Dove: aww baby merry Christmas to you too
Ryan: let's go have some breakfast then it's presents time
Dove: works for me, I'm so hungry
*Ryan chuckles*
Ryan: okay come on
*they get up and he makes pancakes, once they've eaten they go sit in front of the fireplace by the tree, dove pulls out her present for Ryan, he opens it, it's tickets to a sports game*
Ryan: Awww thank you Chlo
Dove: of course
*she smiles and then he pulls out her present, he hands it to her and she opens it, it's a beautiful necklace, with a matching bracelet and earrings*
Dove: baby oh my god you so shouldn't have!
*she smiled so hard, hugs him and kisses him*
Ryan: I so should have so I did
Dove: I love you
Ryan: I love you more
Dove: not even possible
Ryan: wanna bet?
Dove: yeah I do
*she giggles as he pulls her carefully over into his lap and keeps kissing her cheek and neck for about 30 seconds*
Ryan: what time are we supposed to be at my parents
Dove: 12
Ryan: okay and it's just gone 10 now so we'd better start getting ready soon
Dove: yeah but I wanna hug for a little longer first, oh well we could always shower together
Dove: why are you so dirty?
Ryan: because it's fun
Dove: oh my god
Ryan: what?! What is it?!
Dove: someone's kicking
Ryan: can I feel?
Dove: of course you can
*Ryan places his hand on dove's stomach to feel the kicking and she places hers on his, intertwining their fingers, when the kicking stops they look up and each other and smile happily, eventually they get themselves ready, Ryan in smart jeans and a shirt and dove in a pretty dress which is quite fitted so it shows her growing bump*
Dove: is it okay? I can change
Ryan: sweetheart you look perfect and I love seeing that beautiful bump of yours, it's really growing
Dove: you realise you just called me fat
Ryan: that wasn't how I meant it, what I was trying to say that your bump has become a lot more obvious now that your at four months, I love it
Dove: I know what you meant
*a few minute later they leave and drive over to Ryan's parents' house, this time Ryan's parents answer, stood together in a fancy looking way, Ryan has his arm around Dove's side, Ryan's parents let them in and close the door behind them*
Ryan: is Ally here yet?
R mom: no but she should be here soon
R dad: Do...Umm...Chloe you look very nice
Dove: thank you
*she smiles as unawkwardly as she can*
R mom: yes you do how, far along are you now?
Dove: four months
*Ryan looks at his parents half cautious  and half confused, his dad catches him looking at them and smiles at him in what appear a sincere way, Ryan returns it with an awkward smile*
R dad: honey you guys go sit down whilst I finish off the food
R mom: okay
*she leads them into the living room and they all sit down, dove and Ryan on the couch opposite the chair where his mom had sat*
Dove: so how have you been?
R mom: we've been okay, not much to tell, what about you two?
Ryan: yeah we've been okay, where is Alison
Dove: Honey I'm sure she'll be here in a minute
*the doorbell rings*
Ryan: what are you psychic woman?!?!
*dove laughs*
Dove: maybe
*she does a little eyebrow dance and he laughs as he gets up to let his sister i*
Ryan: hey ally
Alison: hey bro, how you doing, I didn't know if you were coming
Ryan: she's sneaky like that
* dove comes up behind him*
Dove: you know you love it
Ryan: I never said I didn't did I
*he pulls a cheeky grin then they kiss*
R dad: dinners ready
*they all go in and eat a nice meal in an awkward silence, when they finish they try and make conversation but then*
R mom: so when's the wedding going to be
Dove: oh we don't know yet we haven't really talked about it
R mom: well you haven't got very long long left so you should probably start thinking about it
R dad: honey
*he speaks through gritted teeth knowing what she's just done*
Dove: what do you mean we haven't got long?
Ryan: she's suggesting the only reason we're engaged is because your pregnant and therefore thinks that we're trying to cover our own asses by having the wedding before the births so as to be able to say they were born in wedlock
Dove: oh
R mom: was that not....oh god I'm so sorry
Ryan: mom how could you even think that?! Chloe honey come on we're going
Dove: no it's okay
Ryan: no it's really not
* he gets up and brings her with him and they leave, they remain silent the whole way home and then once they get through the door*
Ryan: I can't even believe her like where did she get that idea from?
Dove: I don't know
Ryan: but God did she have some nerve
Dove: is it true?
Ryan: what?!
Doves: what you said she was implying about why we got engaged, is it true?
Ryan: oh god no baby of course it isn't I was planning to propose to you for months before you got pregnant I just didn't see the point in that stopping me
Dove: okay
Ryan: come on let's enjoy the rest of our Christmas and oh look there's mistletoe
Dove: you so walked here on purpose
Ryan: I so did
*they both laugh and then they kiss*

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