The wedding - part 1

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*about a month and a half later it's their anniversary and their wedding day, Ryan stayed with Colton so dove could be at home with the twins, at about 7am all of doves bridesmaids arrive, there are a lot of them (she just couldn't pick, decisions weren't her thing) she Claire and Alison as her co-maids of honour and then her other bridesmaids were Sofia, Emmy, shelby, Jess, Victoria, Audrey and her old friend Veronica too, Ryan also had Colton as his best man and Brian, Lucas, max, Mitchell, Joey, Cameron, Booboo and Tenzing as his groomsmen (it was really big but also quite small as most of the guests were actually in the wedding so....), Claire and Alison had stayed with dove and had helped her out with the twins, the doorbell rings and they are already sat on the couch with coffees*
Dove: Ally could you...
Alison: already got it
*they all laugh as she gets up and opens the door to let in an excited Sofia in, and almost as excited but not quite as squeally Emmy and shelby in*
Sofia: AHHHH DOVE!!!!
Dove: I KNOW!!
Emmy: Jess and Audrey are on there way they should be here
Jess: right now
Jess: hey girl!!
Victoria: congrats babe
Dove: aww vic you're so sweet
Veronica: you didn't forget me did you?
*when she walks through the door Alison closes it*
Dove: never
*she hugs them all*
Dove: right I just have one note before we start getting ourselves all dolled up and ready
shelby: hit us
Dove: for today and after if you like because you are all my dearest friends it is Chloe, not dove, I love dove but today I'm me, simple Chloe
Sofia: of course
Audrey: yay!
Dove: now then with that done, LETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!!
*they all pump their fists into the air, meanwhile at Colton's, Ryan wakes up to the alarm at 8, he just bats the alarm clock off and he Colton and Brian (who stayed as well) all just stay led down*
Ryan: guys what time is it
Colton: I don't know you set the alarm
Ryan: no Brian did
Brian: nope was definitely you mate
Ryan: ugh
*he forced himself to sit up and sees it says 8:03*
Ryan: guys we've gotta get up, the other will be here in less than an hour and we've gotta all be dressed and ready
Colton: shit yeah come on
Brian: shhhh I'm trying to sleep
*ryan smashes him round the head with a pillow*
Ryan: GET UP!!
Brain: Fuck yes okay I'm up I'm up

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