Further tests

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Dove: w...what i...is it?
Ryan: baby come sit down
Dove: no just tell me
Ryan: please sit down
*she screams as tears run down her cheeks*
Ryan: they want to run further tests
Dove: why?!?!
*tears still streaming down her face*
Ryan: they're worried about some of the test results from earlier and some of the test you took before Paris came back and the results aren't conclusive
Dove: RY!
Ryan: I know babe, look they said that you're results are okay but they're worried about the baby, they said that we can say no to the tests
Dove: w...why w...would we n...need to say no?...
Ryan: because they aren't 100% safe for the baby
Dove: oh
Ryan: but they said it was important that we really considered doing them to make sure that the baby is healthy
Dove: D..do you w...want me to d....do them?
Ryan: it's not my decision to make
Dove: what kinds of tests are they? Like another blood test
Ryan: no, there's two they want to run, basically they will stick a long needle through your abdomen and and your uterus and take some amniotic fluid for testing
Dove: a...a...and the...the s...second one?
Ryan: same idea but into the umbilical cord to take some of the baby's blood for testing, they use an ultrasound scanner to make sure it's in the right place and it won't hurt you, they said it would probably be a little uncomfortable obviously but not really painful
Dove: wow
Ryan: you don't have to do it if you don't want to
Dove: but you want me to?
Ryan: I never said that
Dove: ry just answer the question do you or do you not want me to take these tests
Ryan: yes, but I completely understand if you don't want to and if you say no I 100% support that
Dove: you said it could be dangerous for the baby
Ryan: if they do it wrong it could cause problems....or.......
Dove: or miscarriage
Ryan: yeah
Dove: did they say how long it would take to get the results?
Ryan: the blood test about 48 hours
Dove: and the other one
Ryan: a few weeks
Dove: how many is a few
Ryan: 2-5 but they said they could send it as urgent and it might get back a bit earlier
Dove: okay
Ryan: okay?
Dove: I'll take them
Ryan: you sure?
Dove: you'll be there right?
Ryan: every second
Dove: then I'm sure, for our baby it's worth it
Ryan: okay then
Dove: I'm going back to bed, will you sit with me for a bit....I.....I don't want to be alone right now
Ryan: of course
*the go into the bedroom and he sits oh my in the bed whilst she curl up against him, and eventually after a while of him stroking her hair worriedly she finally drifts off to sleep, but that was to be a long night......*

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