Paris - part 1

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*a while later they land in Paris, somehow they managed to get the whole way there without any tantrums or crying spurts from the twins , once the plane has landed everyone gets off the plane but the flight attendant had asked him if they could stay in their seats until everyone else was off of the plane so as to be careful nobody knocked dove, by the time they had landed in Paris it was beginning to get quite dark as it was 6:30pm local time, she is still asleep so he gently wakes her up*
Ryan: baby wake up we're here, we've gotta get off now, we've landed
Dove: I don't wanna
Ryan: baby you gotta
*she groans*
Dove: fine
*she gets up and they all get off the plane, by the time they get to baggage claim there's not very many people left so Ryan quickly finds their bags and grabs them, he puts them on a luggage trolley and grabs Charlotte, he walks off towards the exit, dove grabs Alfie and follows on behind, they get to front doors and Ryan gets a taxi, with help from the taxi driver they get everything sorted and fifteen minutes later they arrive at the hotel, they get all of their stuff out, pay the driver and then he leaves, the bell boy runs out and helps them with their bags, he puts them on his little trolley and walks off to their room with them, Ryan checks in and grabs their keys from reception while dove waits with the twins, eventually he comes back over*
Ryan: okay I've got the keys so let's go, cuz I'm exhausted I don't know about you
Dove: yeah kinda
Ryan: let's go then
*they walk up to their room, tip the bell boy and then he leaves, they put their bags by the closet and then quickly Ryan sorts out the travel cots while dove lays on the bed resting after a lot of standing up, or at least what felt like a lot with a baby growing inside her, eventually when he was finished he popped the sleeping twins into their travel cots and then sat down on the bed next to dove, she moved so she was leaning against him*
Dove: I'm tired
Ryan: me too chlopop, should I turn off the lights?
Dove: yeah
*he turns out the lights*
Ryan: night baby
Dove: night tiger
*he kisses the top of her head and within minutes they are asleep

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