Doves birthday part 2

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*that evening they are at her favourite restaurant eating, talking and generally having a good time when she starts feeling a bit sick, only a little at first so she just ignores it and keeps going but it begins to get worse and worse and eventually she has to excuse herself and run to the bathroom, the second she gets into one of stalls and locks it she is violently sick into the toilet for a few minutes before cleaning herself up and going back out to Ryan who stands as she comes back out*
Ryan: we're going home
Dove: no it's okay
Ryan: Chlo you don't have to stay just because it was what I planned, plans change so can we please go home so that I can take care of you like I should be
Dove: but I don't want to ruin your plans
Ryan: honey as long as I'm with you then everything's perfect, and it's your birthday not mine so it's not about what I want anyway
Dove: then can we go?
Ryan: of course we can
*he gets out his keys and hands them to her*
Ryan: here, you go get in the car and I'll be out once I've paid
Dove: okay
*she takes the keys, he kisses her forehead and then she goes out to the car, a few minutes later he comes out, having sorted out the bill and then he drives home, when they get in they go and change into their pyjamas and snuggle in together on the couch*
Ryan: you feel better now
Dove: yeah, I do
Ryan: good as long as you feel okay
Dove: this is really hard
Ryan: I know, but we'll get through this, I'm here with you every step of the way and just think of what the result is, two beautiful children for us to raise together and I mean they're gonna be beautiful look at their mother
*dove giggles*
Dove: you're not so bad yourself
Ryan: thank you, I think
Dove: thank you for being you
Ryan: I love you so much Chlopop
*they look each other square in the eyes in a way as powerfully as almost any kiss and then he pulls her into him as tightly as he can, being gentle at the same time, this makes her feel protected and safe and she snuggles into him and then just falls asleep, when he realises she's asleep he kisses her forehead and then after playing on his phone for a little bit drifts of too*

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