A new album

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*a week later they go into the studio and record the last few songs for their second album, they then add the finishing touches and by two weeks after Ryan's birthday the album is complete and ready for release*
Dove: baby when do you want to Ryan: how about we release a song this Friday, another one next Friday and the album the Friday after, it would mark the twins being two months old
Dove: that'd be adorable
Ryan: so you agree then?
Dove: yeah, I think we should do an interview to announce it
Ryan: are you sure you're up for that? It would be the first one in a while
Dove: 8 months I believe but yeah I'm sure, I wanna go back out there and see the fans, I hope they still care
Ryan: you've seen all of the likes and the lovely comments on all of our pictures and tweets and things, they still care Chlo they love you
Dove: and you
Ryan: they love us
Dove: okay so then we need to set an interview up don't we
Ryan: yeah as long as you are sure you're ready, remember it would require we leave the twins for a while
Dove: oh yeah you're right
Ryan: we could ask your mother to watch them for an hour or two
Dove: yeah no, I don't want to leave them yet
Ryan: I shouldn't have said anything
Dove: no, no it's fine, you're right
Ryan: no, honey I'm not, I just didn't want to leave them and I get that you don't either but we're gonna have to sooner or later so yeah let's do the interview, we'll ask your mom to babysit, it'll only be like two hours at the most, it'll be fun, we'll enjoy ourselves, the fans will be happy, it'll be great
Dove; do you really think so?
Ryan: yeah I do, we're gonna have to step back into the spotlight eventually, we haven't even left the apartment together much in like forever and we rarely take the twins out for fear that we'll get photographed, we've gotta get used to the idea that people want to see us and know about our lives
Dove: yeah, I think from now on we should just be ourselves, if we wanna take the twins out for a walk in the stroller then we should do it, they want to take pictures then let them
Ryan: yeah we should be able to just live our lives
Dove: so let's set up an interview
Ryan: okay I'll sort it out, do you wanna do a radio Disney first listen
Dove: yeah, it's where we came from, where everything started
Ryan: cool wanna go back to GMA for the interview seeing as that was where we did our last interview before we went radio silent so to speak
Dove: yeah that works
Ryan: okay I'll get it sorted out
Dove: alright now come on I have other things for you to sort out right now
Ryan: oh really
*he smirks dirtily*
Dove: yes those two little ones in the nursery
Ryan: oh yeah okay
Dove: you can sort out that other thing you where thing of later
*she pulls a cheeky grin and then walks off to the nursery, he stares after her with a dirty grin on his face then chances after her*

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