Disney contract

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*a week after they get back dove has a meeting with Disney reps and so her and Ryan head over to their offices to sign her contracts and sort out dates and stuff, they arrive at the offices at Disney, when they walk in they are shown to a conference room and then they have to sit there and wait*
Ryan: so you said that descendants 3 was on the table along with another movie, what was the other movie
Dove: uh ry that's kinda why you're here
Ryan: why?
Dove: they want to do a Liv and Maddie movie
Ryan: oh wow
Dove: and obviously they want you in it at when they ended it Diggie had just proposed to Maddie and she said yes so you kinda need to be in it
Ryan: didn't think to tell me any sooner?
Dove: and give you a chance to say no? No
Ryan: I wasn't planning on saying no, but we will have three kids under the ages of three by the time we get to filming it
Dove: I know but we can figure it out and they Said they'd sort out whatever we needed to make this possible, they REALLY want this movie ry
Ryan. Alright then we'll try and figure some thing out
*just as they finish talking about it the Disney rep who's sorting everything out with them walks in*
Rep: hi guys, well we haven't seen you two in a while
Dove: no you haven't but I'm glad to be back
Rep: well we're glad to have you back....both of you
*he turns to look at Ryan and smiles, Ryan smiles back still not completely sure about a few things*
Rep: alright so first let's talk about the new descendants movie
Dove: okay
Rep: so you said you were pregnant, how far along are you?
Dove: three months
Rep: okay so just first are we green lighting that project, we have the rest of the cast ready for it if you're on board
Dove: uh yeah I think so
Rep: okay so obviously we're shooting in Canada but we will happily fly you in and out however much you need so your family can stay put, daily if we have to
Dove: woah seriously?!
Rep: yeah we really want you on this movie so we're prepared to pull out all of the stops to get there
Ryan: well that solves all the problems we had with distance
Dove when would we start filming
Rep: well as you don't really appear to be showing much yet we were hoping we could start filming now for maybe a month and then do the rest a couple of months after you've had your baby
Dove: that's sounds great actually
Rep: okay then, any other questions?
Dove: umm, not really, are they allowed to visit me on set
Rep: of course
Dove: well then I'm ready to get going with that
Rep: good now Liv and Maddie the movie
Dove: yeah that one could be more difficult
Rep: so it would be scheduled to start filming as soon as possible after descendants 3 filming is concluded and filming here in Los Angeles
Dove: yeah so that's all fine but we will have three small children who are too young for daycare or anything like that
Ryan: and dove can't handle neither of us being with them for more than a short period of time
Rep: they will be allowed on set with you and when you are filming there will be people to watch over them for you
Dove: okay?
Ryan: if you're okay with that
Dove: then okay
Rep alright then here are your contracts, they're the same as before
Dove: okay we'll get these signed and back to you as soon as we can
Rep: okay, retake your time, read them over and then bring them back when you're done
Ryan: thank you
*they stand up and run shakes his hand*
Rep: no, thank you
*they smile and three leave, they get in the car and Ryan begins to drive them home*
Ryan: you excited?
Dove: yeah, it was really good of them to say they'll fly me out or you and the kids in to Canada so that I can do it
Ryan: yeah it was, they really wanted you
Dove: yeah they did
Ryan: I like the idea of being back at Disney
Dove: yeah especially with the kids
Ryan: yeah, speaking of which we have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow to run some tests don't we
Dove: oh....uh yeah
Ryan: you nervous?
Dove: a little I mean I haven't really been that bad since Paris so I don't know maybe it was flying, it was a bit worse when we came back
Ryan: maybe, look babe it's probably nothing but the tests will make sure
Dove: I really hate needles though
Ryan: I know babe I'm sorry
Dove: I know I have to have the normal blood tests but I don't want extra ones
Ryan: I'll be there the whole time, you're not alone
Dove: okay

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