Saying Goodbye

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*about an hour later they arrive at the hospital, jump out of the car, he locks it, then they run in and find his parents in the waiting room*
Ryan: dad whats going on, what happened?!
R dad: we don't know he just collapsed and when the ambulance arrived they told us it was a heart attack
Ryan: where's Ally, she should be here
R dad: she had to go to the bathroom, she's already seen him
R mom: honey if you want to go say goodbye you'd better go now, he hasn't got long
Ryan: okay
Dove: I'll be here if you need me baby
Ryan: can you come?
Dove: what?
Ryan: I can't do it alone
R mom: one of us can come of you like, Chloe should probably rest
Ryan: NO! I don't want want you guys, I want her
Dove: okay Ryan honey I know look it's fine I'll come with you
Ryan: thank you
R dad: room 356, through that door take a left then just walk down the hall until you find it
*they go where they are told to and when the find the room Ryan runs in and sees his grandfather led looking very pale on the bed
Ryan: gramps
Gdad: R..Ryan
*he speaks faintly and moves his arm out slightly towards the door, Ryan rushes over, dove follows on behind him, he gestures for her to sit in the chair next to the bed, he stands taking his grandfathers hand*
Ryan: it's me gramps
Gdad: how are you?
Ryan: me? What about you?
Gdad: I haven't got long so there's no point in me going on, I want to know everything you've got going on, I don't want to talk about death I want to talk about your life
Ryan: alright then gramps you remember Chloe don't you?
Gdad: Chloe? Oh oh yes I do, you really should marry that girl you know, she's a keeper
Ryan: I know and she's right here
Chloe: and he is gonna marry me he asked me a few months ago
Gdad: Ryan you naughty boy why didn't you call and tell me
Ryan: I just never got around to it I guess, but we also have some other news your almost a great-grandfather twice over
Gdad: what?
Ryan: Chloe's pregnant we're having twins in a month
Gdad: let me see you dear
*dove stands up and comes into his view, he reaches a hand up to place on her belly and she moves a little closer to help him*
Gdad: beautiful, congratula...t...i...ons
Ryan: gramps?!
*the monitor starts racing until it's just one long beep meaning he has passed away, Ryan sort of screams crossed with a Yelp and falls onto him, hugging him*
Ryan: no, gramps no, please, please don't leave me, please I....
*he voice cracks and he breaks into tears, he turns and dove holds him as he cries, doctors run in to pronounce him deceased so dove pulls him away a bit and leads him back out to his family where Alison is back from the bathroom, when she sees his face she bursts into tears and runs over and they hug and cry together, dove walks over to his parents*
Dove: Mr Mccartan, Mrs McCartan I'm so sorry for your loss
R dad: thank you Chloe
Chloe: woah
*Ryan flicks round and rushes over to her, holding her arms to steady her*
Ryan: you okay?! What wrong?!
Dove: no honey I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you, oh ahh
Ryan: what is it babe? Tell me it's okay
Dove: I...I don't know, for a minute I just thought it was kicking, but it's not
Ryan: okay, look let's get a doctor to take a look at you okay?
Dove: no I don't want to cause any problems for you, you should be mourning with your family not worrying about meeee ahhh
Ryan: I am getting a doctor to look at you Chlo, you are my family and this isn't a problem this is important, now come on let's get you looked at
Dove: okaaayyyy woah oww
*Ryan helps her over to the front desk where they tell them what's going on, they get sent to a room and a few minutes later a doctor comes in*

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