Doves birthday

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*just over 2 weeks later it's her birthday, he gets up really early to set up a nice surprise, she wakes at 9, and does what has become her morning
ritual of running to the toilet and being sick, she had to go to bed with her hair tied up so it was out of the way, but today was particularly bad and she was in the bathroom an extra long time, eventually after about 15 minutes at least she gets up brushes her teeth and walks out and heads back to bed not feeling particularly up to doing anything*
Ryan: hey where you going?
Dove: back to bed I don't feel very up to doing much I I'm just gonna try and sleep it off
Ryan: oh
Dove: why? Was there something special we were supposed to do today?
Ryan: honey, today's your birthday
Dove: wait what?
Ryan: your 22 today babe
Dove: I didn't even realise
Ryan: your tired and worn out Its okay
Dove: ugghh I've just completely lost track of time
*Ryan pulls her into him*
Ryan: honey, it's okay that you've lost track, being out of it is okay with the circumstances, so don't beat yourself up about it, look you go back to bed and maybe if you feel better when you get up we can do something to celebrate
Dove: no, you've made plans haven't you
Ryan: it doesn't matter, you go rest
Dove: no look I'm okay I'm not even that bad I was just gonna sleep off the morning sickness because it was pretty bad today but I feel much better now so come on
Ryan: oh are you okay?
Dove: yeah I'm fine now
Ryan: are you sure you want to do this now? It can wait
Dove: no I want to
Ryan: okay then I've made your favourite
Dove: thanks baby
Ryan: I was gonna say so you wanna go out tonight for dinner but I'll cook instead
Dove: no honestly I want to go out with you, where were you planning on going?
Ryan: anywhere you like
Dove: okay I'll think about it
Ryan: okay now come eat bad then its present time
Dove: cool
Ryan: i tried my best with picking a present so I hope you like it
Dove: baby I'm sure I'll love it, but seriously I've gotta eat, right now, like major cravings coming on over here
*Ryan chuckles*
Ryan: okay then, come on let's go get you fed
*they sit down and eat, having a nice convert out nothing like they always liked to do and when they are done Ryan goes over to dove and holds his hand out to her, she takes it and gets up, he leads her over to the couch, she sits down as he disappears off somewhere, a few seconds later he returns with something behind his back*
Ryan: close your eyes
Dove: umm....okay
*she closes her eyes and he walks towards gift in hand*
Ryan: don't peek
Dove: I'm not
*he stands right in front of her and places her present in her hands as he says*
Ryan: open your eyes
*she opens her eyes to find her bear big  in her hands*
Dove: Ryan oh my god
Ryan: I know you were upset because it was starting to lose its hugableness so I got it restuffed
Dove: thank you so much
Ryan: and look around its neck
*around its neck is her golden Chloe locket that she wore everywhere*
Dove: oh wow baby you got if fixed?!
Ryan: yeah you were so upset when it broke, I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything original to get you
Dove: no, it's perfect, I'm so happy, thank you for doing this for me
Ryan: of course I would do anything to make you happy
*they kiss*
Ryan: and daddy's gonna do his best to make sure you're always happy too
*he says to doves belly, he kneels down, places his hands gently on her baby bump and kisses it, they then kiss again

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