Drawing to a close

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*a few weeks later as expected dove wakes up in the middle of the night which causes Ryan to wake up too, but this wasn't quite how they'd hoped it would be*
Dove: Ryan, Ryan wake up!
Ryan: yeah babe what's wrong?
Dove: I...I....I don't know Ry, s....something doesn't feel right
Ryan: baby I think your in labour
Dove: that's not it, it feels wrong
Ryan: explain what you mean by wrong
Dove: it hurts
Ryan: I think it's supposed to
Dove: not like that like I don't know
Ryan: is it bad?
Dove: not really but a little
Ryan: okay we're taking you down to the hospital right now
Dove: okay
Ryan: put on a jumper, the bags already in the car and I'll get the twins
Dove: Ry I'm scared
Ryan: I know you are baby
Dove: what if something's wrong it feels really strange, nothing like before
Ryan: we knew this wouldn't be simple, we were ready for that so come on
Dove: okay
Ryan: I'm leaving that hospital with a healthy wife and three children you hear me?
Dove: yeah
Ryan: everyone and everything will be fine okay the doctors will make sure so you just do your best to relax and stay calm
Dove: I'll try

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