Heading home

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*a few days later they are getting ready to head home, Ryan has loaded up the car car and they are just getting ready to go*
Ryan: okay, give me a call if you need me okay?
R mom: we will
R dad: and we'll let you know when we've got the funeral sorted out
Alison: bye little bro
Ryan: bye ally
Alison: bye Chloe I'll see you soon
Dove: yeah, bye guys
R mom: we'll see you soon I hope
Dove: I do too
Ryan: okay we'd better get going
Dove: okay
R dad: safe drive
Dove: bye
*she waves as they elk back over to the car, they get in and with one last wave they drive off*
Dove: are you okay, I know how close you were with him
Ryan: not really, but I will be, I mean in less than a month we're gonna be parents, how could that not make feel so much better
Dove: yeah it is pretty exciting
Ryan: my beautiful family
*Dove smiles*
Ryan: how you feeling?
Dove: I've been getting a little bit more uncomfortable but I'm okay, it's so worth it
Ryan: good as long as your happy I'm happy
Dove: do you think it's gonna be hard adjusting to life with two kids
Ryan: I'm not gonna lie to you, it's gonna be weird, but together you and I can handle anything that life can throw at us
Dove: you really think so?
Ryan: honey, I know so
Dove: when we get back, what do you wanna do
Ryan: yeah I'm gonna build the cribs, are you gonna sit and keep me company?
Dove: well...
Ryan: really?!
Dove: I'm joking of course I'll keep you company, what else would I be doing with my evening
*doves stomach gurgle*
Dove: umm honey
Ryan: way ahead of you the next service station is in a mile
Dove: I'm starving
*her stomach rumbles again*'
Ryan: so I've heard
*he laughs and she snickers*

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