Ryan's birthday

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*2 weeks later it's Ryan's birthday, they are awoken at 4AM by the twins crying in the nursery*
Ryan: I got it
Dove: no I'll do it
Ryan: come on let's do it together
*they both get up and go into the nursery, they each pick up a twin and then walk back towards each other a bit*
Dove: and happy birthday by the way baby
Ryan: oh god twenty five
Dove: you're halfway to thirty
Ryan: shh little miss I'm 22
Dove: just be happy it's your birthday
Ryan: I am happy
Dove: good
Ryan: because I'm here right now with you and our beautiful children
Dove: at 4 AM
Ryan: perfect
Dove: you're joking right
Ryan: no place I'd rather be
Dove: I love you
Ryan: and I love you even more
Dove: that's not even possible
*having gotten the twins back to sleep they put them back down in their cribs, they walk outside, closing the door very carefully
Ryan: you wanna bet
Dove: yep
Ryan: come on then
*he takes her hand and drags her into the bedroom, from which you could her giggling and such for a while after, about 5 hours later they woke up once again, this time without any noise from the nursery*
Ryan: morning babe
Dove: happy birthday
Ryan: we already did this
Dove: good point
Ryan: so what do you want for breakfast?
Dove: it's your birthday so I'm gonna make breakfast
Ryan: umm
Dove: hey!
Ryan: just kidding but seriously though I like cooking
Dove: okay can we have French toast and pancakes
Ryan: we sure can
Dove: I am SOOO hungry
Ryan: Chlo, you're always hungry
Dove: not always
Ryan: okay come on then if you want this breakfast you're gonna have to come entertain me whilst I do it
Dove: you heard that right?
Ryan: I totally did
Dove: did you mean it like that?
Ryan: honestly not sure
Dove: come on then, you feed us and I'll feed them
Ryan: sounds like a plan
*they get up and so their consecutive jobs and then sit down together for a lovely breakfast together*
Dove: so what do you wanna do today
Ryan: I don't know, what do you wanna do today?
Dove: you gotta pick it's your birthday
Ryan: you're taking that a lot more seriously than I am
Dove: come on please
Ryan: okay, I want to spend the day with you
Dove: but what do you want to do
Ryan: that
Dove: yeah but what
Ryan: honey I don't think you really get the fact that as long as I'm with you I don't care what I'm doing
*she goes over to his side of the table to give him a slow, passionate kiss before returning to her side of the table*
Dove: okay now that we're done I wanna give you my present
Ryan: okay
Dove: it's not great, but you're impossible to shop for
*she gets up and drags him over to the couch, he sits down whilst she grabs the box and brings it back, she hands it to him and he unwraps it to find a framed picture of them and the twins about a week after they brought them home from the hospital, Alison had insisted on taking a picture of them whilst they were sat on the couch curled up together as a family*
Ryan: wow, Chlo this is amazing, I love it!
Dove: really?
Ryan: yeah it's so perfect
Dove: yay!
*they kiss*
Ryan: I was thinking, somewhen we need to finish recording the stuff for the album I mean it's all finished up writing wise so now all we've gotta do is record three more
Dove: okay but let's not talk about that today, today's about you
Ryan: if you say so but for me it'll always be all about the three of you because that's how I like

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