Back at the doctors

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*the next day at the doctors office they arrive at 1pm and are called straight in*
Doctor: so how are we doing today
*dove stays silent*
Ryan: she's a little nervous
Doctor: ahh, there's nothing to worry about, we're just gonna take a few samples and run some tests just to make sure everything's alright
Dove: o...okay....
Doctor: alright I think you can figure out what to do with this
*he hands her a little cup thingy*
Dove: oh um okay
*she does what she need to do then comes back in and hands it to the Doctor who puts it to the side, the doctor goes and gets the special needle to draw blood, doves heart starts racing just looking at it*
Doctor: alright then, I'll try and make this as quick and painless as possible I promise
*she puts a little wipe on where she's going to stick the needle just to clean it, throws away the wipe the inserts the needle, dove is almost in tears at this point, Ryan seeing this feels horrible for her being so scared, he kisses her hand to try and calm her down and eventually the doctor removes the needle, she uses a bit of medical tape to stick some cotton wool over the injection site*
Doctor: okay so that's all done, we should get the results back by tonight so we'll give you a call with the results
Ryan: thanks you Doctor
*he shakes her hand and then they leave*
Ryan: see it wasn't that bad
Dove: Ryan I feel sick
*Ryan automatically switches to protective mode*
Ryan: how sick?
Dove: the way I get with needles but worse
Ryan: okay let's get you home then and we'll let you rest
Dove: okay
*he drives them home and she goes to bed, she wakes up that evening when the phone rings, Ryan answers it and she walks out of their room to see him on the phone, he sounds worried which scared her but she just tries to shake it off as him being over protective but when he hangs up he turns around the look on his face says enough, her hearts sings and tears form in her eyes*

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