Ryans premiere

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*a month after dove birthday Ryan has a movie he filmed a while ago coming out in a few days and they want him at the premiere*
Ryan: I'm not gonna go
Dove: but you should you worked so hard on it
Run: but it's a long way and I don't want to leave you alone overnight
Dove: it's okay, I'll be fine, it's just one night
Ryan: but I just don't really want to leave you alone
Dove: honey I'll be fine
Ryan: Chloe I'm not leaving you
Dove: I'll come then
Ryan: no that's not a good idea I don't want you to have to do anything strenuous and standing around for ages being photographed is
Dove: honestly it's fine
Ryan: I just don't think....
Dove: baby it's okay I'll be fine, it'll be nice I want to go and show my support, I want everyone to know how proud I am of my man
Ryan: are you I mean really it's okay you don't have to
Dove: I want to and are you really gonna tell me I can't do something I want to do?
*she pulls a cheeky smile and and he smiles back with a little chuckle*
Ryan: no ma'am
Dove: well then it's settled
Ryan: okay but just don't overwork yourself
Dove: I'll be fine
Ryan: alright, I love you
Dove: I know you do and I love you too but you don't need to be so protective baby
Ryan: I just like taking care of you
Dove: I know and I love it because it makes me feel loved
Ryan: that's because you are extremely loved, and so are they
*he puts his hands on her growing belly which was now quite big, she put her hands on his and they look into each other's eyes and that said everything they needed to say*

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