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*the next day, it's about 7PM and they're finally going home, Dove had a little issue with her blood pressure but now having sorted that out she and the twins where being discharged*
Ryan: are you ready to go Chlopop?
Dove: yeah, I really wanna get out pf here, I hate hospitals
Ryan: I know you do babe and we'll leave right now, I've got the bag and Charlotte, you've got Alfie yeah?
Dove: yep
Ryan: well then all of the paperwork is done and the birth certificates are all sorted so let's get going
*they walk out to the parking lot, Ryan stuffs the bag in the trunk while dove fastens Alfie in, she then gets in as Ryan fastens Charlotte in before getting in himself and driving off home, about 5 minutes later they walk through the their front door and go into the nursery, Dove barely awake and Ryan getting pretty tired himself*
Dove: as soon as we put these two to bed I'm going to bed too, I'm exhausted
Ryan: yeah I think I'll join you
*they pick up huh twins and take them over to their respective cribs and rock them slowly for a few minutes until they fall asleep*
Ryan: come on baby lets get you to bed
*dove is already crashed out on the little sofa in the nursery*
Ryan: okay then
*he goes, gently picks her up, carries her into their room, gently pops her in bed, grabs his pyjamas and goes into the guest room so as to not wake her up, figuring the twins would wake up in a few hours and he'd rejoin her when the had to get up to put the twins back to sleep, within minute of getting into the bed he is asleep and he does as he'd planned when at 11:30pm the twins awake, waking dove up in the process*

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