Paris - part 2

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* the next morning they get up at 4am local time on autopilot for home, they cannot get back to sleep so they sit on the bed playing with the twins*
Dove: oh yeah baby is that fun do you like that
*she tickles charlottes tummy*
Ryan: babe you okay there you're starting to sound a little crazy
Dove: well then
*she jokingly turns her head away so he crawls along the bed and pounces on her, wrapping his arms around her, he kisses her bare neck and then bites it a little, she giggles*
Dove: ry play nice
Ryan: alright then
*he finds her sweetspot and starts sucking her neck*
Dove: ohhhh....ry.....ry no.......the kids
*he stops and instead rests his chin on her shoulder*
Ry: one disadvantage of those
Dove: you know you love them
Ryan: and I never said I didn't, I adore them with all of my heart I'm just saying, it was nice when I could get a little sexual without having to hear the words 'ry the kids' in the midst of some fun
Dove: later
Ryan: wait seriously?
Dove: yeah it's been too long
Ryan: you don't need to tell me twice
Dove: just be gentle, I'm a little tender
Ryan: we don't have to if you don't want to or you don't feel up to it with the baby and all
Dove: I want to and I do feel up to it, the baby shouldn't stop us, that's a silly myth remember
Ryan: tonight it is then
Dove: at least you don't have to use a comdom cuz you can't get me pregnant whilst I'm pregnant
Ryan: anyway enough sex talk, what do you want to do today or just in general
Dove: i don't know, I mean we like have to go to Disneyland like there's no way we could not
Ryan: yeah but all the press and that, the swarms of fans I mean you're very popular at Disney still
Dove: uh yeah speaking of Disney we need to talk about that
Ryan: what about it?
Dove: ry they offered me a really good part in a movie, and they want to run a descendants 3
Ryan: but that means Canada
Dove: I know but baby it's time to do some acting again, I miss it
Ryan: when did they offer you this?
Dove: well they've been offering descendants 3 for a while but they actually have a lot of the cast ready to do it if I sign on and this movie was about a week ago, I didn't know what to think, I wanted to decide if I actually wanted to do it or not before I said anything to you
Ryan: do you really want to this?
Dove: I do, I really do
Ryan: then we'll make it work
Dove: seriously?
Ryan: of course
Dove: yay I missed Disney channel so much and just the whole Disney vibe
Ryan: how about we go to Disneyland to celebrate?
Dove: I'm game
Ryan: well then let's
Dove: yay
Ryan: I'm really proud of you babe
Dove: thank you
Ryan: always

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