New years

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*6 days later it's New Year's Eve, they are at their apartment with all of their friends from bowling and Claire, Alison, Colton and Jess' now husband just hanging out and kinda partying, it's ten minutes to New Years*
Ryan: anyone got any New Years resolutions?
Claire: to go to the gym more
Ryan: you already go a lot
Claire: I could go more
Alison: yeah I'll join you on that resolution I could really use it
Claire: lies
Alison: aww your too sweet
Colton: get a room you too
Claire: shoves him playfully
Emmy: spend more time with you guys
Everyone: Awww
Lucas: make Jordan teach me how to be super fly like he is
Jordan: to avoid that
Jess: to eat more healthily
Dove: you already do
Jess: alright to do the healthy cooking myself mr here does that
Max: to get married to this one
*Emmy blushes so hard and giggles*
Shelby: no it's these two who need to get a room Ryan
Ryan: good point
Audrey: what about you then shelby?
Shelby: I don't know ummm less caffeine? Yeah I really need to cut down my visits to Starbucks
Dove: yeah I'll join you on that one seeing as I'm not allowed anyway I might as well have a resolution I will actually achieve in my life
Claire: so not true you've achieved one before
Dove: when?
Claire: When you were 7 your resolution was to annoy me every day for a year, you definitely got that one down
*they all laugh and ohhhh at dove who pulls a you're so mean face at Claire*
Claire: love you
Dove: we'll see
Ryan: my resolution is to get that nursery finished sooner rather than later, I've only just finished painting God help me when it comes to putting things together
Jordan: I got your back man, if you need help gimme a shout
Ryan: thanks mate
Joey: me and Lucas can help too
Ryan: I'd rather Tenzing
Tenzing: umm thanks?!
Ryan: ha yeah it was meant to be a compliment to you
Lucas: I am personally very offended
Audrey: yeah you two shouldn't be
Joey: always nice to have your fiancé put you down
Audrey: but I love you in spite of your weakness
*they kiss*
Tenzing: I'd like mine to be to be more adult like seeing as I'm turning 18 next year
Dove: God you are, aww little baby Tenzing's all  grown up
Tenzing: stop just stop
*they all laugh*
Jordan: mines to spend more time with my girl
*he reaches out a hand and takes Victoria's*
Emmy: wait you two?!
Victoria: umm....Yeah
*she smiles*
Max: congrats guys
Jordan: thanks
Dove: oh look it's one minute to midnight, honey out on the countdown
Ryan: got it
* he runs over to the tv, grabs the remote and switches on the countdown to midnight, it hits one minute and everyone who's brought someone has got there date with them, max grabs Emmy, Jess and her husband huddle up, Victoria snuggles into Jordan, Joey and Audrey take hand and Ryan wraps his arms around dove from behind where she's sat on the are of the couch*
Claire: Colton just cuz it's New Years?
Colton: of course mi'lady
Lucas: Ally?
Alison: go for it
Tenzing: shelby if you want seeing as we're the only two left
Shelby: I'd be honoured
*10 seconds left*
Ryan: it's almost time
*5 seconds*
Everyone: 5....4....3....2.....1.....Happy New Years!!!!
*they all kiss their respective New Year's kiss partners and then watch the fireworks go off outside by the windows*

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