Moving on?....

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*a few days later they are curled up on the couch watching the twins crawl awkwardly around the floor infront of them, they smile and laugh a little bit*
Dove: baby?
Ryan: yeah Chloe what's up?
Dove: baby have you seen you know...her.... Since they accused you of the affair?
Ryan: why would you ask me that?!
Dove: I....I....I'm sorry, I....
Ryan: No God Chloe you're so stupid, I don't even know how you're dumb enough to think I still love you or that I ever even really did, yeah I am cheating on you!! I have been for a long time now and I like it, I never really liked you that much anyways it was all for show
Dove: but the kisses on the red carpet and sex and the twins?....
Ryan: wake up you idiot it was all for show, I'm an actor remember, Jesus did you never notice?! How stupid are you pathetic little girl, I'm gonna leave you one day when all this is over, say the accusations were just to much and you'll keep your mouth shut or I'll take those horrible kids and you'll never see them again
Dove: r...Ryan.....Ryan......
*she begins to mumble out loud*
Dove: Ryan, but why, Ryan
*she flies up screaming*
Ryan: woah! Chlo hey what's going on?!
*he goes to put an arm around her but she flinches and then jerks out of the way*
Ryan: woah okay Chlo what's going on here? That was just a bad dream!
Dove: huh what?!
Ryan: I don't know I just woke up to you mumbling stuff, mostly my name and then suddenly you flew up screaming and now this! What happened in that dream of yours?!
Dove: it doesn't matter I'm so so sorry
Ryan: baby it's okay
*crying comes from the nursery*
Dove: shit....Ugh....for God sakes
*she goes to get up but Ryan stops her*
Ryan: no babe you go back to sleep I got it, I'll be back in as soon as I'm gone
Dove: no I should go it's my fault, or I should at least come
Ryan: sleep, I'll be back soon
Dove: alright I..I love you tiger
Ryan: you too baby
*he leaves and she snuggles back up turning of the bedside lamp that was on, she huddles into her duvet, really confused by her dream, what the hell was that about?......*

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