The announcement

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*2 weeks later, she's sat on the couch reading whilst he's wandering around doing little things here and there*
Ryan: Chlopop?
Dove: yeah bear?
Ryan: do you think we should make some announcement about this, not like make a public spectacle out of it but just let people know because they're gonna find out eventually better it be in our terms
*she says nothing*
Ryan: honey?
Dove: yeah....I don't know that I'm ready for that just yet
Ryan: oh okay, I just thought we should probably let them know now whilst it's still for us to decide how it comes out
Dove: I suppose you're right, but when would we do this we can't just do it on social media
Ryan: you have a point, we were supposed to go onto good morning America tomorrow we could do it then
Dove: tomorrow?! that seems a bit...soon
Ryan: sweetheart it's up to you but i don't think we should put this off
Dove: yeah but I just don't think I'm ready
Ryan: why?
Dove: because I'm not
Ryan: Chlo that's not an answer and you know it, just tell me you know that you can tell me anything
Dove: because I'm still processing it okay?!?!
Ryan: woah, hey, I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to push you
Dove: yeah well you did
Ryan: okay honey I'm sorry
*dove sighs*
Dove: I know you are and I am too I don't mean to get angry at you in just confused and shocked and I guess I'm nervous and plus all of the hormones I just don't know anymore
Ryan: babe it's gonna be okay
Dove: what telling everyone or having twins?
Ryan: both we will get through this
Dove: you keep saying that
Ryan: that's because it's true and I want you to believe it too
Dove: I think I do I'm just a bit scrambled at the moment my brain is just fried I'm still getting used to everything you know all of these changes but I think I'm starting to get there
Ryan: so okay then not tomorrow morning we'll figure something out
Dove: no let's do it
Ryan: what?
Dove: let's announce it tomorrow on GMA
Ryan: are you sure because if your not ready then you don't have to do it just because you feel like you should
Dove: no.....I want to
Ryan: okay then tomorrow it is
Dove: yep tomorrow
*she tries not to feel nervous, she decides that however nervous she may be she's excited to share her news with her fans*

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