The tests

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*ryan wakes up the next morning, dove is still asleep and so are the twins,he rolls over and kisses her cheek which usually makes her smile but instead she just rolls over so she's not looking at him, he then goes to put his arms around her but she avoids him, he tries not to take it personally, he gets up and gets dressed, he looks at the clock, about an hour until they need to be at the doctors*
Ryan: Chloe babe come on you've gotta get up now
Dove: I don't really feel like it
Ryan: we've gotta go in forty-five minutes so you've got be dressed and have eaten by then
Dove: I don't want to
Ryan: babe come on
Dove: no
Ryan: this isn't you this is the hormones but you've gotta try and snap out of it Chlo
Dove: will you just get off my case and leave me alone, this is all your fault in the first place
Ryan: you have to get up
Dove: no
*she begins to cry, he goes and kneels down in front of her*
Ryan: I won't make you go if you really don't want to....but just remember who you're doing these tests for
*he puts his hand under the duvet and on her growing bump*
Dove: I'm scared
Ryan: I know you are but I'll be there the whole time to hold your hand and help you through
Dove: okay
Ryan: I'm really sorry you have to go through this
Dove: it's not your fault and I know that really
Ryan: okay come on then
*she gets dressed and then they eat breakfast and then Claire who's babysitting arrives befor they drive to the doctors, a few minutes after they arrive they are called in, dove lies back on the bed and Ryan holds her hand, the doctor walks in*
Doctor: hi, how are we today
Ryan: nervous
Doctor: understandable but I promise it'll be as quick and pau free as possible
*dove nods and the doctor gets the first needle which makes doves stomach churn*
Doctor: alright you ready?
*dove nods her head a tiny bit, the doctor pops a bit of gel on her stomach to get the ultrasound picture up so he can see where to put the needle and Ryan squeezes her hand so she looks at him instead of the needle as it goes in, she suddenly gets an extremely uncomfortable as the needle goes further through her abdomen and into her uterus, she closes her eyes and pulls abut of a face, Ryan strokes her hand feeling absolutely awful seeing her so scared and uncomfortable, eventually wafted about twenty minutes both tests are done and as the final needle comes out dove manages to breathe properly again*
Doctor: alright that's it now we'll let you know when the results come in
Ryan: thank you
*she wipes the remaining gel of off doves stomach*
Doctor: feel free to go when you're ready
*Ryan helps dove off the bed then they walk out but dove feels a bit weak so Ryan picks her up bridal style and carries her carefully to the car, he places her gently in then drives them home, when they get back he carries her in, says goodbye to Claire who looks slightly worriedly at her sister and then puts her carefully in the bed, her still remaining silent, she rests a hand in her still quite sore stomach and he sits with her for a while until she falls asleep*

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