Hospitals and shock

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*20 minutes later the doctor is examining dove, she's has a mask on to help her breathe as she started having difficulty breathing in the ambulance, Ryan was sent outside whilst they did the exam, the doctor is using an ultrasound machine to check for fluid around her lungs*
Doctor: alright, there no fluid around your lungs and it looks like your breathing is getting a bit better, so we'll start you on antibiotics now and you should be clear of it very soon, hopefully you'll be able to go home by tonight if this all goes well, and don't worry we'll give you pregnancy friendly antibiotics so they won't affect the baby and the virus was caught before it could do any lasting harm to your baby
*doves eyes go wide in shock, she takes off the mask*
Dove: baby?!
Doctor: yes did you not know
*dove shakes her head*
Doctor: you appear to be about one month along Mrs McCartan
*dove just looks at him, completely shocked*
Dove: p...please don't tell my husband
Doctor: of course, so we'll get you sorted out with the antibiotics
Dove: t...thank you
*the doctor leaves and dove just sits there looking straight into nothingness until suddenly she is brought out of her daze when Ryan runs in*
Ryan: Chloe baby are you okay?
*she nods*
Ryan: are you sure? you look really pale
Dove: yeah, they said I might be able to go home tonight as long as I keep taking the antibiotics but for now they want to monitor me while they start the antibiotics
Ryan: God Chloe I was so worried about you
Dove: you worry way to much
*she laughs a little and he laughs a little back*
Ryan: it's just because I care about you
Dove: I know, now come on I wanna snuggle
Ryan: oh do you now
*a smile comes on her face and he smirks in return, he gets up onto the bed with her and she snuggles into him, the doctor ones in and puts in her iv line to start her on the antibiotics*
Ryan: you okay?
Dove: I will be

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