Descendants reunion

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*3 weeks later they are at home dove is playing with Charlotte in her crib while Ryan bounces Alfie*
Dove: are you sure it's okay if Sofia and the others here tomorrow? I just really want to see them
Ryan: of course it is as long as you don't mind that I won't be here
Dove: how come?
Ryan: I've gotta go over and help ally and my parents with some stuff, I'll be home by dinner
Dove: oh yeah, sorry you said I just completely spaced
Ryan: it's fine Chlo right now Spring about that kinda stuff isn't that unusual, I went to be in my clothes instead of my pyjamas the other didn't I?
Dove: that was quite funny
Ryan: okay then so that's great, how many of them are there
Dove: umm Sofia, Cameron, Booboo, Mitch, Sarah, Jedidiah, Dianne, Brenna and Zach
Ryan: okay cool, I'm gonna leave around ten but I don't know when I'll be back, you sure you're gonna be okay with the twins?
Dove: I'll be fine
Ryan: okay then
* the next day everyone arrives at 1pm, Ryan having left 3 hours before, dove opens the door and let's them all in, they all go to sit in the living room*
Sofia: Dove! Hey it's been way too long
Dove: I know
Mitchell: how've you guys been
*they all say good and great and things like that*
Dove: yeah I've got some really big news actually
Cameron: Ryan finally got his act together I see
*he says pointing at the ring on dove's finger*
Dove: yeah he did, but that's not the big news
*crying comes from the nursery*
Zachary: what's that?
Dove: umm that's my news, come on
*she gets up and gestures for them to follow her, they oblige, they walk into the nursery, looking around as they go in*
Dove: guys I'd like you to meet Alfie James and Charlotte Sophia McCartan
Brenna: wait what?!
Dianne: McCartan, as in you and Ryan?!
Dove: umm yeah
*she smiles as she picks up Charlotte who is the one crying*
Dove: I didn't want to tell you guys in a text
Booboo: how old are they?
Dove: 3 weeks old, May 10th
Jedidiah: congratulations
Dove: thanks, shh shh shh baby, come on shh shh
Sofia: Sophia?
Dove: yeah spelled differently but yeah
*sofia gives does a loose hug being careful of Charlotte*
Dianne: they are so adorable
Dove: thanks
Sarah: so how's Ryan?
Dove: he's okay, he had a bit of a tought time a couple of months back, his grandfather passed away, they were pretty close
Mitchell: ouch
Dove: yeah but he's doing better now, anyway come on let's go sit in the living room, we have loads to catch up on
Sofia: we so do

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