And so it begins

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*about two weeks later they are at home I'm the kitchen cooking together when suddenly*
Dove: umm Ryan
Ryan: yeah babe
*he doesn't turn from what he is doing*
Dove: it's happening
Ryan: what?
*he doesn't get what she means for a second*
Dove: Ryan, my waters just broke
Ryan: what?! Oh my god! Okay, we're ready for this
*he turns of the kitchen equipment, she runs out to get the bag they've had packed for a week*
Ryan: do we need anything that's not in this bag
Dove: nope ohhhh
Ryan: okay I've got my phone and my keys so just get yourself into the car okay? We'll be at the hospital soon
Dove: ahhhh, okay
Ryan: just breathe through it
Dove: I'M TRYING!!
Ryan: okay babe I know now come on let's go
*the go out, get into the car, he drives them to the hospital, calling on the way to let them know they're coming, a few minutes later they arrive, they rush in*
Ryan: Dove Cameron, we called from the car
Receptionist: ahh yes we've got a private room waiting for you, down the hall, 5th door on the left
Ryan: thank you
*he helps her down the hall, they walk into the room, he drops the bag in a chair and helps her onto the bed*
Dove: ahhh oh my god!
Ryan: okay honey breathe
*she keeps breathing and trying not to scream, she never experienced such pain in her entire life and she fully intended to never experience it again, she was happy to stick with two kids, especially right now, in between contractions she changes into the hospital gown left waiting for her, an hour or so later*
Dove: Ryan!
Ryan: I'm here Chlo just breathe, squeeze my hand if you need to
*she takes his hand, at first she doesn't squeeze very hard but then suddenly a really big contraction comes and she squeezes his hand so hard he has to try very hard to stop himself from yelping out in pain, she however sees the pain in his face, when the contraction subsides*
Dove: honey I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to crush your hand
Ryan: no baby you didn't
Dove: I did and I'm sorry
Ryan: it's okay, just do what you need to do to get through this
Dove: ahhhhh ohhhhh urgghhhhhh
Ryan: okay breathe

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