Begining production

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*a few days later, they're slowly slipping back into their routine after their week separated, she walks into the kitchen that morning to find Ryan stood cooking breakfast, he turns around as she sits down at the counter*
Ryan: hey babe
Dove: hey
Ryan: pancakes?
Dove: go for it
*he serves her up a plate pancakes and as she starts eating he grabs himself a place and sits down to join her*
Ryan: you got a call while you where sleeping from some of the reps for the new descendants movie
Dove: what did they say?
Ryan: they want to start table reads and rehearsals
Dove: when?
Ryan: as soon as possible, they want to get as much time in as they can before you're taken out of play, they want you to call back when you can
Dove: do you mind if I get right into it
Ryan: of course not as long as I know what's happening and when then you do whatever you're up to doing, just don't drain yourself, you know how much you can do and when you need to stop and rest, make sure when you're tired you stop, not just one more time, you stop
Dove: I promise I won't push it and you've met sof and the others, they wouldn't let me anyway
Ryan: alright then you'd better call them later
Dove: why not now?
Ryan: because I've got plans for you
Dove: oh you do, do you?
Ryan: yep
Dove: first we have two kids who need to be fed
Ryan: babe, have you ever thought that maybe we should hire a nanny
Dove: yeah I did....but
Ryan: but?
Dove: I don't want to become those people where the nanny is more of a parent than us and idk I just want it to be just us, just our family
Ryan: okay, it was just a suggestion
Dove: plus my mom would throw a tantrum if we hired a nanny because she likes babysitting
Ryan: true
Dove: she says it gives her something to do
Ryan: well they are a handful
Dove: but a beautiful one
*he finishes eating before her so he gets down, goes around to the other side of the counter, wraps his arms around her neck and kisses the side of her head*
Ryan: and then you've got another little bundle of joy right in there
*he places his hands flat on her stomach, he speaks straight into her ear and feeling his breath against her ear gives her a tingly feeling*
Dove: I do
Ryan: I can't wait to meet her
Dove: me neither
Ryan: just over six months to wait
Dove: that's so far away
*she moans, complaining*
Ryan: the time will just fly by
Dove: I hope so
Ryan: now go call the reps, the stuff I've planned for us can wait five minutes
Dove: thank you
*having finished her pancakes, she whips her head round, kisses his cheek and then runs off to grab her phone, she sorts it out and they are starting table reads and light rehearsals in LA the next week*

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