Staying with the McCartans

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*later that day they have a serious discussion about what's going on and what's going to happen now in the living room Ryan's parents are sat diagonally from dove and Ryan who are holding hands Alison on the other side of Ryan on the couch*
Ryan: so we'll be heading back tomorrow
R mom: oh
Ryan: mom we need to go home we've still got stuff we need to do and things to think about and plan and sort out
R dad: can't you stay one extra day?
Ryan: Chlopop?
Dove: I don't mind I'm honestly just gonna go where I'm told to go and do what I'm told to do
Ryan: honey it's important that you're comfortable with what's going on
Dove: Ryan come on think about you for a change
*he kisses the top of her head as she snuggles into him*
Ryan: you're more than amazing
Dove: but your even better than that
Ryan: alright one extra day
Alison : we need to sort out a funeral, it's gotta be as soon as possible so Ryan can come
R mom: yeah
Ryan: I don't think I can do this right now
*he gets up and walks out, dove looks at them apologetically and runs out after him*
Dove: wait!
Ryan no I just can't! I don't know how they can be so calm about this he's gone! He died and they're just acting like nothing's happened
Dove: maybe that's what they need
Ryan: but it's like they don't care!
*at the point he's crying, his tough guy manliness fell down*
Dove: oh honey I know but they do care, they care a lot
*she hugs him tightly and he just cries*
Dove: baby how much sleep did you get last night?
Ryan: I don't know a couple of hours, why?
Dove: go rest for a bit
Ryan: but we've got to talk
Dove: for me?
Ryan: okay
*he walks upstairs and crawls into bed, she walks back into the living room*
Dove: I'm sorry about that he's just on edge, I've been snapping at him a lot and he's just been holding everything in so as to not rock the boat and I guess it all just became to too much
R mom: we understand
Alison: yeah we know he didn't mean it
Dove: no he would never mean something like that
R dad: no he wouldn't, he's a good boy and clearly he's picked a good girl
Dove: thank you

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