Telling Ryan

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* she spends the next about 2 and a half hours walking all the way around their apartment anxiously awaiting his return, desperately trying to figure out what to say, she had to tell him as soon as he got back, that much had been decided but beyond that she had nothing, he mind was spinning so much that she felt dizzy, then suddenly he walked through the door catching her completely off guard, usually 2-3 hours tops meant 4 maybe 5 hours and her favourite meal accompanied by extra kisses and hugs but he must've been worried about her she guessed, he was extremely protective after and because he was back after 2 and a half hours, that probably meant he's told his sister he was worried which probably meant she'd get a call from her later asking if she was okay, oh god she couldn't take this everything was spinning and then the room was spinning and then it wasn't anymore, but she had dropped to the floor put cold, only for a few seconds but out nonetheless, he caught her, picked her up and carried her over to the couch where he gently put her down as she wakes up*
Ryan: Chloe...hey Chlo wake up sweetie
* she sits up*
Dove: what just happened?
Ryan: you passed out, Chlo tell me what's wrong because earlier you said it was nothing but you don't faint from nothing
Dove: I can't do it
Ryan: what do you mean? Why?
Dove: I...i...I just can't
Ryan: babe you can tell me anything, you know you can
Dove: okay well I've been having hot and cold spells recently and then this morning I woke up feeling sick, that's what I was doing downstairs...
Ryan: that sounds like some sort of bug
Dove: let me finish
Ryan: there's more?!
Dove: umm yeah, so I felt sick again at lunch and then I got dizzy and umm....
Ryan: what's umm? Chloe honey you can tell me
Dove: I felt something move in my stomach so I took a pregnancy test and well, Ryan I'm pregnant
Ryan: okay umm wow that's just wow
Dove: I'm sorry
Ryan: why are you sorry
Dove: cuz I got pregnant
Ryan: and why do you have to be sorry about that?
Dove: because I've ruined us we were so happy and now this, it changes everything
Ryan: between us it changes nothing
Dove: how can that be true?
Ryan: well I always knew that I wanted you to be the mother of my child or children one day so as far as I'm concerned we just sped up the process by accident but so what? We're old enough Chlo were as ready as were ever gonna be
Dove: do you really think so?
Ryan: I know so
Dove: how are you taking this so well
Ryan: sweetheart you've had run to the bathroom at top speed twice in one day and you've been irritable for a few days I kinda already knew or at least I had my suspicions, plus when I had my hand on your stomach last night I felt something move
Dove: oh
Ryan: yeah I thought I was just imagining it until you said it but yeah
Dove: are you sure you're okay with this if you're not ready for this...
Ryan: oh my little rollerchloster I'm not going anywhere just because you're pregnant, that's our child in there and I'm gonna that little baby just like I love you that baby will always have its daddy and you will always have me until the end of time
Dove: I love you
Ryan: I love you too, now you should get some rest you're pregnant and you did just pass out
Dove: I'm fine I promise
Ryan: I'm not taking no for an answer I'm going to take care of you
Dove: I know you will baby

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