GMA round 2

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*2 days later it's Monday and their booked on good morning America (having also sorted out them radio Disney first listens which RD where happy to oblige with), they are awoken at 4am by the twins crying in the nursery, they go in, settle them down and decide there's no point in going back to bed so they go and sit curled up on the couch and watch some tv, at around 6:30 they get dressed and and an hour and a half later doves mom arrives to babysit, she rings the doorbell and Ryan answers, letting her in*
Bonnie: hey
Ryan: hey, how are you today?
Bonnie: I'm alright, how are you guys
*they walk into the living room where dove is manically doing god knows what*
Ryan: some of us are doing better than others
*he chuckles and Bonnie chuckles too*
Dove: are you sure this is okay, I mean I can stay or yeah no whatever I can stay I don't have to go I can stay with them if you don't want to do this mom it's fine
Ryan: Chloe, honey, you're rambling
Dove: I know it's just...
Bonnie: honey it'll be fine, everyone will be fine, you'll be back before you know it
Dove: are you sure?
Bonnie: I'm sure
Ryan: look Chlo it'll be fine, your mom is amazing with the twins and we'll be back by 10, come on let's go, we've gotta be there to go into hair and makeup in half an hour
Dove: okay, bye guys
*she yells into the twins who she has already said goodbye to in person, Ryan almost has to push her out, they get into the car and Ryan drives them to the studio, in the car*
Ryan: you okay?
Dove: I guess
Ryan: babe they will be perfectly fine
Dove: I know I just don't like being away from them, is that weird?
Ryan: no it's not weird, it's actually really adorable but you had to let go eventually, you've almost never left them and we have never left them alone at the same time
Dove: I'm just afraid to leave them, what if something were to happen whilst we were gone
*he chuckles*
Ryan: stop worrying so much sweetheart, everyone will be fine, just think about the fans and how happy they'll be to see you
Dove: yeah you're right
*she tried to think of that to take her mind off the twins back at home with her mother, she put a smile on her face bury she still wasn't completely convinced, little did she know that Ryan and her mother had a little surprise in store for her, about 20 minutes later they arrive and after about an hour in hair and makeup they were ready to go on, they have five minutes until they go back out infront of the cameras after a pretty long time*
Ryan: you okay babe?
Dove: yeah, I was really nervous thought the entire hour in hair and makeup, I mean like literally I was petrified, but now that it's almost time to go out there I don't know, I just don't feel scared at all, all I feel is excited
Ryan: that's a good thing
Dove: yeah, I can't wait to share the news with the fans
Ryan: yeah, hey look at the time we're on any second now
*a few moments later the guy calls out that they're live in 5....4.....3.....2....1...... and they're live*
Host: hi we're back and have we got something great for you, the first ever live interview in almost a year, please everyone put your hands together for the girl and the dreamcatcher!
*he takes her hand and and they walk out on stage together, the crowd cheers, applauds and even screams their names as they wave out them, they walk over to the host, she hugs them and then they all sit down*
Host: well can I just say it's lovely to have you back
Dove: it's lovely to be back
Ryan: yeah we're really happy to be out here infront of all of the fans and everybody again
Dove: yeah I think that's been the one thing that we've really missed over the last 6 or so months, actually getting to talk to you guys and all of the fans it's just so amazing the support that we have been shown so intensely and continuously even when there was nothing new coming from either of us
Host: yeah you really do have very supportive fans
Ryan: oh yeah we really do and we love and appreciate all them and the support they have shown not just the band but us as people over the last few months
Host: yeah, so the last interview you did you made some pretty big announcements
Dove: we did
Host: so how are they going for you?
Ryan: well we're still currently engaged but we are working on setting a date and all of that
Host: you had some other news though didn't you, any details you'd care to give us
Dove: Ryan?
Ryan: go for it
Dove: okay, so we are proud to officially announce that on May 10th of 2018 we were blessed with two beautiful and amazing little kids
Ryan: Alfie James and Charlotte Sophia McCartan
Host: congratulations, and can I just say dove for a woman who gave birth to twins less than two months ago you show like no signs of it
*Dove giggles proudly*
Dove: aww thanks
Ryan: yeah honestly within about 2 weeks she had lost like all of her baby weight
Dove: Yeah
Host: wow
Dove: I went for a run like three times a day, it wasn't on purpose it was purely just to get myself to be able to sleep in between crying sessions because I love them but they just loved to take it in turns to wake us up so you just had to sleep every chance you got, luckily they've settled down now
Host: sounds like fun
*she says sarcastically but chuckling*
Dove: yeah it was Ryan's birthday a few weeks ago and we were up at 4am and he just completely blanked that it was his birthday
Ryan: umm I'm sorry you completely spaced about yours too
*they giggle*
Dove: okay true
*she snuggles into his side and he kisses her forehead, the audience all aww at that*
Host: moving on, I've heard you have some news for us and the fans at home
Ryan: we do actually, our band has officially finished recording our second album and it is going to be available to download as of two weeks from Friday
Dove: and in preparation for this we are going to release to songs from the album as singles, one each Friday until the week we finally release the new album
*the audience breaks into whooping and applauding*
Ryan: there will also be a radio Disney first listen for both tracks 6 hours before the songs are made available for download and streaming
Host: wow well congratulations guys on everything
Dove: thank you
Host: and we've run out of time so good luck with the new album and all things to come
Ryan: thanks
*they hug her again and then walk off, as soon as they are of the stage dove turns to Ryan and begins to bounce up and down, Ryan is slightly taken aback but laughs and holds her hands as she does it, she squeals as she does so, eventually she stops*
Dove: that went so well
*she says, still super excited*
Ryan: it did
Dove: I'm so happy, I can't wait for Friday
Ryan: me neither, now come on let's go relieve your mother
Dove: yeah let's go

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