Christmas the sequel

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*about a week later on Christmas morning, they get up (for the third time, this time by themselves), it's 9am*
Ryan: morning baby
Dove: morning, merry Christmas
Ryan: merry Chrismas to you too
Dove: we'll go get the twins up, dressed and fed and then we'll do presents before lunch, Alison's coming over this afternoon and staying overnight for Boxing Day fun
Ryan: ugh babe just stay here a little longer
Dove: baby come on
*she giggles, he groans*
Ryan: uhh alright then come on
*he gets up goes around to her side of the bed and scoops her up, she giggles and wraps her arms around his neck, she nuzzles her head into  his neck as he drops her onto the couch gently*
Dove: baby what are you doing?
Ryan: huh?
Dove: nursery
Ryan: oh yeah right
*he picks her up and carries her into the nursery, he pops her down in the rocking chair, grabs Charlotte out of her cot seeing she's awake and hands her carefully to dove who begins to rock back and forth*
Ryan: you gonna....or do you want me to make a bottle
Dove: I've got it
Ryan: you sure? I've gotta go make Alfie a bottle anyway
Dove: actually yeah could you?
Ryan: course babe
*he leans over kisses her gently then wanders out of the room, a minute or two later he comes back with two bottles, he hands her one*
Dove: thanks honey
Ryan: course babe
*she smiles at him, he smiles back*
Dove: here you go baby
*she puts the bottle up to charlottes lips, she takes it and begins to drink, the twins are technically on more solid things but they still have formula too, Ryan picks up Alfie and give him his bottle, eventually the twins are finally all sorted out and they sit down as a family to open presents its now 10:30, they give the twins their presents and then it's their turn to switch gifts*
Ryan: me first
Dove: I'd rather that
Ryan: okay then.....
*he pulls out a little box and hands it to her, she opens it and gasps*
*she pulls out tickets to Paris*
Ryan: it's not quite how we'd planned it but I thought a little family getaway wouldn't hurt
dove: I love you soooo much
Ryan: I know you do now your turn to present me, bet you can't beat me
Dove: we'll see
*she pulls out a box, he opens it to find a framed picture of him and his grandfather fishing from when he was really young*
Dove: I didn't know what to get you so this was all I could think of, I just thought it would be nice but in hindsight it might have been a terrible idea
Ryan: no I love it, thank you so much
Dove: there's one more thing
Ryan: what? I don't have anything else for you
Dove: I know, you might not even like this but I'm gonna do it anyways cuz I can't really not soooo
Ryan: umm.....okay?
*dove gets out another boss and hands it to him, as he opens it she look at her hands in her lap, he opens it and removes the cotton wool type stuff on the top and finds a note, he lifts it out of the box and reads it aloud*
Ryan: your present will be delivered approximately nine months from when you ordered it
*he sits there slightly confused for a second then the penny drops, he looks at her then back at the note, then into the box where he finds a baby rattle*
Ryan: wait what?! Are you serious?
*he turns and looks at her, she's still looking down, he lifts her head gently, he sees some tears run down her cheeks, he wipes them away and looks into her eyes*
Ryan: you're pregnant?
Dove: .......yeah
*she says nervously
Ryan: wow
Dove: yeah
Ryan: how do you feel?
Dove: I'm okay
Ryan: when did you find out?
Dove: 2 weeks ago
Ryan: so you've known two whole weeks and you didn't think to tell me?!
Dove: I'm sorry!! I was nervous and then when I finally worked up the nerve those rumours came out about you having an affair and I just.... And then I thought of this and I thought it'd be cute, please don't be mad I'm so sorry!!
Ryan: no baby I'm not I'm sorry I'm just shocked is all
Dove: I'm about a month and a half along
Ryan: okay that means we have seven and a half months to prepare ourselves
Dove: so you're okay with this?
Ryan: of course I am as long as you are
Dove: I think I am
Ryan: okay then well we're going to have a baby
Dove: we are
Ryan: you excited?
Dove: I think I'm nervous too but yeah I'm excited
Ryan: okay I'm gonna go start getting lunch ready before Ali arrives, you gonna come?
Dove: yeah okay
*they walk into the kitchen, Ryan lifts dove up and sits her on the counter before beginning to cook Christmas lunch*

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