Going to paris

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*2 weeks later they are leaving for Paris that evening so they are packing up all of their stuff early in the morning to make sure they have everything they need, for all of them to go for the trip that Ryan gave five for Christmas*
Dove: ry you done with your stuff?
Ryan: yeah you?
Dove: uh almost, can you do me a favour?
Ryan: sure what's up
Dove: that's all my stuff that needs packing can you pack that up for me so I can start on the twins' stuff
Ryan: why don't you pack your own stuff and I pack the twins up
Dove: so many reasons
Ryan: geez thanks
Dove: I'm sorry I just want to do it myself
Ryan: okay go for it, I'm just gonna put my bag in the car the I'll do it
Dove: okay
Ryan: are you sure you're up to going, I mean I didn't realise you were pregnant when I did this
Dove: I've always wanted to go to Paris with you, pregnancy makes no difference
Ryan: okay just promise me you won't over exert yourself, I would like to in six months time have a healthy wife and baby
Dove: I promise
Ryan: we leave for the airport at half four yeah?
Dove: yeah, I like to sleep on the plane
Ryan: I'm well aware and then I get left bored and awkward
Dove: pretty much so as long as that's sorted
Ryan: it's a long flight are you absolutely sure you'll be okay?
Dove: YES!
Ryan: alright okay come on then
*later that day they have arrived at the airport, they have gone through security and are waiting to board the plane when one of the attendants comes over*
Attendant: sir, miss you guys are going to board early as you fall under the category of people who may need special assistance so if you'd like to come with me
*she gestures for her to follow them and leads them away to board the plane, dove whispers to Ryan*
Dove: am I showing that much?
Ryan: I'm not sure it's so much that as the two small children we have with us but either way
Dove: yeah I guess
*they are lead into the plane and to their seats, they notice a few elderly people also getting on, they sit down and about half an hour later the rest of the passengers board, not long after they are taking off and dove quickly falls asleep, Ryan smiles at her*
Ryan: sweet dreams my precious angel

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