Radio Disney

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*4 days later it's Friday and they've just arrived at radio Disney, she spend a few minutes on the radio Disney red carpet type thing then walk into the studio and sit down infront of their mics with the heir interviewer sat on the other side*
Host: oh my gosh hey guys we haven't seen you in ages, the girl and the dreamcatcher is here everybody
Dove: hey thanks for having us
Host:it's been ages since we've had you guys in a radio Disney studio
Dove: I know!
Ryan: yeah we're really glad to be back
Host: so let's talk about your new album
Dove: okay
Host: so what would you say it was about? Like what's it's story?
Ryan: well I think it was quite similar to the first album in the emotions we were trying to convey but the some of the stories we were trying to tell where quite different
Host: how so?
Dove: because obviously as a songwriter you grow with each new piece of music and as people you grow too so we have been writing about our experiences in life and about how we feel about things like we often write about each other that's what we channel
Ryan: but obviously having gone through all of these new experiences over the time we've been writing this album it's changed what we write but I think it was in a good way
Dove: yeah we were writing a lot when we were just sat at home because we couldn't go out because I wasn't up to it so we would just write about what was going on, it would just flow from there and I just sounded right so I really think the fans are gonna like it
Host: I'm sure everyone will love it so now it's time for the radio Disney first listen of the girl and the dreamcatchers new single
*she plays the song, when it finishes she starts talking again*
Host: wow you guys that was so amazing
Ryan: thanks
Host: so what's the story behind that one then
Dove: I think we wrote that one just after we got back from the tour on our first album so it was kind of a thank you to everyone and saying that we could do anything with all of them supporting us and in a way it was us saying we're coming back or we're back depending on how you want to look at it
Ryan: yeah it was just us trying to express how happy we were that all of those people came out to our shows and sang along with us and everything because we are just so thankful for that
Host: okay well thank you for joining us today we'll see you next week for the first listen on your last single before your album is released
Dove:can't wait
Ryan: thank you
Host: you just heard the new single by the girl and the dreamcatcher which will be available everywhere tonight at 9

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