The party

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*that evening it's about 6 when Bonnie shows up, Ryan let's her in*
Ryan: hey
Bonnie: hi Ryan, how are you guys?
Ryan: we're good, Chloe's a little less panicky than she was last time which is good
Bonnie: It will be fine, nothing's going to happen
Ryan: I try to tell her that but you know her, worrying is her specialty
Bonnie: true
Ryan: Chloe honey are you ready?
Dove: just a sec
*she runs in about 20 seconds later*
Dove: mom are you sure
Bonnie: honey, go, have fun, celebrate, I'm so proud of you
Dove: thanks mom, now you remember their schedule don't you and in case you forget it written down on the piece of paper on the counter and it says where you can find everything you need in case you've forgotten
Bonnie: Chloe calm down it'll all be fine I remember the schedule and I know where everything is
Dove: okay
Ryan: now come on let's get you out of here before you can change your mind
Dove: okay, bye guys mommy loves you
*she yells into the nursery having already said goodbye in person, they say goodbye to bonnie then Ryan drives them down to the hall where the party is being held, it's 6:45 and people start arriving at 7*
Ryan: everything look good to you?
Dove: yeah it's nice, kinda fancy but not really fancy
Ryan: yeah I thought it was better to keep it fairly casual
Dove: yeah
Ryan: so who's coming? Everyone from the Liv and Maddie cast that we always hang out with
Dove: yeah the guys from descendants are all coming down too, and Colton, your sister and my sister, are Victoria and the others from rocky horror coming?
Ryan: Victoria's pretty sick so she can't  make it but she sends her love and congratulations
Dove: what about the others
Ryan: umm I haven't really spoken to many of them in a while and the ones I have spoken to are in Canada or Europe shooting new projects
Dove: oh
Ryan: it's fine, I like the other guys anyway they're more my kinda people
Dove: i feel bad for Victoria, what's wrong with her?
Ryan: Flu I think
Dove: ouch, maybe I'll give her a call tomorrow
Ryan: that sounds nice
*Ryan looks at his watch and sees its almost 7*
Ryan: look at the time the guys should be here any second now
* a few minutes later the others arrive and they all talk, dance and just overall have fun and play a few games until it's about 10 mins to 9 o'clock when Colton is getting ready to shoot a quick video for them to post when it's one minute before the they release it and then another one for when it's out, everyone gathers into the shot and Colton set the camera up ready, hits record then runs in to join them*
Dove: hey guys it's the girl and the dreamcatcher here and we're here to remind you that our new album drops in just one minute
Ryan: yeah so get ready cuz it's coming, thanks guys
*they wave and stuff as Colton runs to turn it off, he then sets the camera up to record the next one and by now it's 5 mins away*
Ryan: hey guys were super excited to say that our new album is officially available for download now so go check it out
Dove: we are so grateful for all the support you shown us so we hope you like it
*everyone woops and cheers and gathers in a big hug infront of the camera and after a few seconds of that Colton runs to turn it off again, a minute later they post the one minute thing and begin the countdown, dove and Ryan make a quick speech*
Dove: Ryan and I want to thank all of you so much for being here to celebrate this with us
Ryan: yeah thank you guys for so much for being here, you are the best group of friends we could possibly have asked for and the fact that each and every one of you came out here tonight just proves how amazing you all are
Dive: oh my god ten seconds
Everyone: 5....4.....3.....2.....1....0
Ryan: it's out
Dove: I don't know whether to be nervous or excited
Ryan: both is what I'm going with
Dove: good idea
*they enjoy the rest of there evening and then about 1am once everyone's gone Ryan drives them home, they get in, say goodbye to Bonnies and when she's gone just flop into the sofa*
Dove: I can't believe that it's out
Ryan: yeah it's really exciting
Dove: we're officially back out there aren't we
Ryan: yep
Dove: that's scary
Ryan: it is but you and j can do anything together
Dove: we've gotta start planning a wedding now
Ryan: how about you plan and I just nod along
Dove: works for me
*they both laugh and then kiss*
Ryan: I'm gonna pop in and check on the twins then go to bed, you coming?
Dove: yeah

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