Album release day

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*2 weeks later it's the album release day and to celebrate they're going out with some friends  (a lot of friends really but some is what they told themselves) to a hall they've rented out for the night to have a little party kind of thing, it's about 10am and the album drops at 9pm*
Dove: I'm literally soooo excited
Ryan: babe I'm aware, you've said that about twenty times now, I'm pretty sure the neighbours are aware
Dove: I'm sorry I just can't wait for all the fans to hear it, I really hope they like it
Ryan: I know Chlo, and come on you know they'll love it
Dove: yeah I know it's just that we worked super hard on it
Ryan: I know and when they hear it they'll know took over: and it'll be really nice to see everyone at the same time, even Mitch is gonna come
Ryan: yeah it's really nice that we'll get to have all of our friends with us and it was really nice of your mom to offer to babysit
Dove: any time she can spend with the twins makes her so happy, I think it reminds her of when me and Claire where young
Ryan: yeah I don't want these two to ever grow up
Dove: me neither
*she hugs Alfie to her chest as she watches Ryan bounce Charlotte, she smiles at the look of pure love across his face as he looks down at their beautiful baby daughter who is fast asleep in his arms*
Dove: baby
Ryan: yeah
Dove: I wanna get married
Ryan: sweetheart we are getting married
Dove: but we haven't set a date yet and I just want to be married to you already, I want you to be mine forever
Ryan: I already am Chlo
Dove: you know what I mean
Ryan: okay then pick a date and we'll get married, I will do whatever makes you happy babe, you know that
Dove: I kinda already thought of one
Ryan: okay
Dove: I know it's kinda close but I just thought it would be super romantic
Ryan: when is it?
Dove: our anniversary
Ryan: but that is only next month, won't we need more time to sort everything out
Dove: I just wanted to get married to you on our anniversary
Ryan: we could do it on out anniversary next year, that gives us loads of time to prepare
Dove: I don't wanna wait a whole entire year but yeah I guess maybe your right, it was a stupid idea
*she goes all quiet and he feels really back that she's upset*
Ryan: babe it wasn't a stupid idea, it was an amazing one and if you wanna do it then let's do it
Dove: really?
Ryan: yeah
Dove: yay!! We're getting married in a month
*she yells and wakes up Charlotte*
Ryan: thanks babe
*he says sarcastically but with a smile on his face*
Dove: I'm sorry
Ryan: hey look it's fine now you go do what you need to do, I'll come and help with anything you need me to once I've made sure these two are settled
Dove: okay baby love you
Ryan: I love you more
Dove: not even possible
Ryan: and yet i guarantee you it is

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