Telling family

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*a few days later she's sat in bed and he's sorting himself out for the day*
Dove: I want to tell our families and our our friends
Ryan: are you sure your ready to tell them?
Dove: I just don't want to keep such a big secret from them, any of them
Ryan: okay then if you want to then I'm up for it but when are we gonna do it?
Dove: I was thinking as soon as possible
Ryan: what do you mean Chlo?
Dove: well we're having lunch with my mom and sister today remember
Ryan: oh my god I completely forget
*she claps sarcastically at him*
Ryan: okay you don't need to be like that
*he smiles and she can't even keep a straight face, she bursts into laughter*
Dove: honey you set the lunch up, yesterday!
*she laughs her head of at him, and he smiles an 'okay I get it' kind of smile at as he rolls his eyes*
Ryan: you done yet
*doves still laughing*
Dove: nope!
Ryan: come on then missy
*he picks her up out of bed, smirking cheekily as he does, she giggles, he carries her over to the chair in the corner of their bedroom and pops her down on it, he then begins to tickle her as she half giggles half screams, she begs him to stop not completely meaning it and eventually he does and she gasps for air from laughing so hard, he steps away and turns to go back to what he was doing when she leaps up turns him round by the arm and kisses him passionately, kiss which he happily returns, pushing her against the wall, his hands find their way to her waist and her arms wrap around his neck and they makeout for a minute or two, when they finally stop she lets him go back to what he was doing as she parks herself at the foot of the bed*
Dove: and also we' having breakfast with your sister and parents tomorrow at your parents house
Ryan: okay cool
Dove I want to tell our friends soon too because I can tell you for a fact if I see any of them I will accidentally blab it
Ryan: well we are seeing them all on Friday for bowling and then pizza so how about then?
Dove: yeah but I can't play, I'm not supposed to do any heavy lifting remember?
Ryan: we'll figure it out
*at lunch with Claire and Bonnie that afternoon, dove and Ryan arrive at the restaurant to find them already sat at the table*
Ryan: hey, sorry are we late?
Claire: no we were early, we had to run some errands first and by the time we were done we just came here thinking that it would take us longer to get here than it did
Dove: okay
*they sit down and everyone orders, they eat there meals and when they are done they decide to tell them*
Dove: so we have some news
Bonnie: ohhh okay what is it?
Claire: she's pregnant
Ryan: Claire now see I knew you were smart I didn't know you were psychic
*claire laughs*
Claire: I'm not I just know my sister and I know that she works out way to much and eats way too carefully to have gained the weight that I can see on her stomach, plus it's kind of obvious from the fact that she had to run to the bathroom three times in the space of an hour
Dove: oops
Bonnie: wow my little girls having a baby
Ryan: well actually she's having two
Claire & Bonnie: what?!
Dove: I'm having twins
Claire: wow do you know the sexes
Dove: no we decided we want it to be a surprise
Bonnie: that's the best way I think, it's what your father and I did with the two of you
Ryan: yeah it'll be more fun I think
* they continue to talk for a while and eventually say their good byes and go home, in the car home*
Ryan: that went well
Dove: it did, do you think your family are going to be so welcoming
Ryan: my sister will
Dove: your parents?
*Ryan says nothing, and dove gets a bit awkward*
Dove: yeah I had a feeling
Ryan: no Chloe baby I don't know, they'll probably take it just fine they'll just be a little more shocked, I don't think they even realise we've ever had sex
Dove: we've been together five years, we live together, we share the same bed!
Ryan: I know but you've met my parents, they are quite old fashioned people
Dove: in other words the fact that I'm pregnant and were not married won't go down very well
Ryan: I didn't say that
Dove: you didn't have to
* the next day they get up and Ryan just chucks on some jeans and a smartish t-shirt while dove goes through her whole wardrobe trying to pick something out*
Ryan: Chlopop it doesn't matter just put on something you feel comfortable in
Dove: but I can't just chuck any old thing on
Ryan: why not? I did
Dove: yes but your their son you don't have to impress them, I do, I mean they're gonna think it was all my idea and all of that and their not gonna like it and....
*she flops to the floor in tears*

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