The results - part 2

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*they look at each other and then back at the phone, it's the doctor, the results of the tests were in, without a word Ryan picked up his phone and answered it*
Ryan: hello? Yeah that's me, okay, yeah okay, so what does that mean? Okay, and the other test? Okay alright yes thank you I'll talk to her about it
*dove just looks at him as he puts his phone down, looking at it instead of her and then suddenly just as she's about to ask he turns around and full on kisses her one hand on her cheek and neck and the other on her now starting to show baby bump, she is stunned by this sudden act, she kind of kisses back, still extremely confused, he pulls her carefully but swiftly to her feet before lifting her up, spinning her round and then kissing her again as he puts her down, he then hugs her tightly into him and she hugs back, she whispers unit his ear*
Dove: I'm so sorry
*he pulls out of the hug a little so he can look her straight in the eyes*
Ryan: don't be sorry
Dove: I've been a terrible wife, a terrible mother, and a bad sister and daughter too but i was the worst to you
Ryan: you're not any of those things
Dove: I was, especially to you
Ryan: no baby
Dove: ry I kicked you out of your own bed, wouldn't let you anywhere near me, barely spoke to you, avoided you, left you to take care of the twins by yourself, and I'd I was just completely horrible to you, I love you more than anything in this world and yet I still did that to you, I wouldn't blame you if you hated me, I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to see me again, I hate myself for the way I treated you
Ryan: baby it's okay you were scared and upset and that doesn't even begin to truly describe it and you had the added hormones from the baby that's causing all that stress which is my own fault for putting her inside you in the first place, it was what you needed to do to keep going and that's my job, to keep you going whatever it takes no matter how hard it is for both of you
Dove: did you say her?
Ryan: what?
Dove: you said putting her inside of me
Ryan: congratulations baby
Dove: are you being serious?
Ryan: that's a little girl
Dove: oh my god
Ryan: we're gonna have another beautiful little baby girl
Dove: she's okay?
Ryan: perfect, well a little small but so was Charlotte, clearly the girls take after their mother in stature, and they say you might need some assistance with delivery because they're not sure she's breathing too well so she may need some breathing assistance when she's born but she's healthy and happy in her current home
Dove: she's gonna be okay
Ryan: yeah baby, she's gonna be okay
*she hugs him so tightly and he hugs her back, never wanting to let go*
Dove: I'm so sorry ry, I promise I'll never be so terrible to you again
Ryan: you just do whatever you need to do to get through the day, as long as I know you love me, nothing you can do could hurt me
*she snuggles into him and smiles, he kisses the top of her head*
Dove: I love you chlopop
Dove: I love you too bear

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