Its twins

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*20 minutes later they walk through their front door, both in complete silence, having driven the whole way home like that as well, he closes the door as she walks, slightly zombie like, over to the couch and sits down*
Ryan: you wanna talk about it?
*dove just stares hazily into nothingness in a state of complete shock, he comes and sits next to her, he takes her hands and she turns to look him in the eyes, still saying nothing*
Ryan: honey we've got to talk about this
Dove: I don't know what to say
Ryan: me neither but we need to talk about this
Dove: is this possible, I mean can we do this?
Ryan: of course we can babe
Dove: how do you know?!
Ryan: because we can do anything together remember
Dove: yeah I guess it's just a lot to take in, I really wasn't expecting that
Ryan: I don't think we were really expecting any of this but if your happy then I'm happy, because I think we're gonna do great at being parents
Dove: I am happy and I really hope we do do well
Ryan: good
Dove: it's really big though
Ryan: I know but we can get through this
Dove: I love you
Ryan: and I love you even more and that lovely little bump too
Dove: can we watch a movie?
Ryan: sure
*he got up to go get one, she smiled as him but as soon as he left view the smile faded, she was shocked and so nervous that the smile could barely be forced, 'how am I gonna get through this' she thought but as she did he came back and she forced the smile back onto her face, he put the film on, her favourite, of course he would, and reassuring herself she though 'together' and some how that made her feel so much better, she snuggles into him and lost herself in the film*

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