Dealing with it

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*the day after the funeral Ryan's hanging a Winnie the Pooh mobile up the nursery over one of the cribs while dove sits and watches when the doorbell rings*
Ryan: can you get that?
Dove: yeah
*dove gets up, groaning a bit as she did, being only two weeks away was exhausting for her, she walked out to the front door and opened it there was a parcel on the plot outside the door with a note attached to it, the note said Ryan on the front and was written in Alison's handwriting*
Dove: honey I'm gonna need you for this
Ryan: why what is it?
Dove: a big box, it looks quite heavy
Ryan: okay you just sit down, don't try and pick it up, remember no heavy lifting
Dove: I know baby I wasn't gonna
Ryan\: okay just gimme a sec... Ah got it
*he climbed down the ladder and wandered out into the hallway dove had take the note and sat on the couch with it, Ryan picked it up and closes the door, it was quick heavy but he was very strong so with minimal difficulty he got it into the middle of the room*
Ryan: what does the note say?
Dove: says:
Dear Ryan,
I'm sorry I couldn't deliver this myself but I couldn't stay so yeah. Umm we were clearing up so stuff and gramps' house and we found a load of tapes he took of us when we were little and I thought you might like to see them so these are all of the ones that your in. I get it if you don't really want to see these right now but just please take a look at them and then if you don't want to keep them there then I'll take them back up with me next time I visit to put into storage with some of his other stuff. So just take a look and then decide what you wanna do with them and let me know and tell Chloe I hope she's feeling okay, I'm sure I'll see you guys really soon
Love Alison xx
Ryan: oh wow okay
Dove: you wanna take a look at them?
Ryan: uh, not now, I've gotta hang the other mobile and put some other stuff away
Dove: you can do that later
Ryan: no I'd rather get it done now
Dove: okay then, maybe later?
Ryan: yeah maybe
*dove watches at him worriedly as he walks back into the nursery, later that night they had gone to bed but dove wakes up at about 3 am, she was often having trouble sleeping, she couldn't ever get comfortable anymore, they were told that was normal but that didn't make it any less annoying, but dove was confused to find Ryan not in bed, he had offered to move into the guest room for a few weeks but she had asked him to stay because she slept better with him there, she got up and put on her slippers, whilst she did this she heard noises coming from outside the door, they were like voices but strange, she opened the for cautiously and stepped out into the hallway*
Dove: Ryan? Ryan!
*as she goes down the steps the voices become clearer and she hear sobbing, now she recognised the voices, she realised what was going on*
Dove: Ryan baby what are you doing down here? Why are you watching those videos so late?
*Ryan stop crying, wipes away his tears and looks up but it's extremely obvious he's been crying, dove walks over and sits next to him*
Dove: oh baby
Ryan: I don't know what's going on right now but I know I don't like it
*he says sniffing, holding back more tears*
Dove: this is dealing with your loss
Ryan: I'm scared
*dove was almost completely shocked by what she was seeing right now and what she had seen recently, she had never seen him like this before, he was always her big strong tough guy with a heart of gold and a beautiful smile, she'd rarely ever seen him cry, and never like this, she almost didn't know what to say*
Dove: of what?
Ryan: that I'm gonna forget him
Dove: Ryan, baby, that's not possible, he's in here
*she puts her hand on his chest where his heart is, he turns to face her, their foreheads press against each other's and they just close their eyes and let the silence take hold, the energy was electric, it was pretty dark as the only light was coming from the TV which was giving off almost no light and that only added to the feel of the room*
Ryan: you are so beautiful right now
Dove: you can't even see me
*she smiles*
Ryan: I don't need to see you to know that
*he places a hand on her cheek and kisses her gently*
Ryan: you should go get some rest Chlo
Dove: I don't want to if your not coming
Ryan: I'll be in in a minute I promise
Dove: please just come now
Ryan: okay, if it'll help you sleep
Dove: thank you
Ryan: anything to make things easier for you Chlopop you know that, now come on let's get back to bed
*he switches of the the and the leads hers back into the bedroom where they snuggle up together and within minutes both of them are asleep*

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