The wedding - part 3

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*a little while later they arrive at the church, and minutes after they arrive Bonnie runs out (Seeing as dove's dad had passed away and therefore couldn't give her away it had been decided that her mom was to do it instead) which meant it was time to start, the music starts to play and all her bridesmaids walk out with their allocated groomsmen who were also outside waiting, then Alison and Brian went in and finally Claire and Colton which meant it was doves turn, she had butterflies in her stomach, she didn't want to mess up such an important day, she linked arms with her mom and looked her smiling so deeply that it made her mother so proud to have raised a daughter who got to be so happy and loved, she couldn't imagine a better man to marry her little girl than Ryan, as Claire and Colton reach the top the doors open fully to show dove and her mom, everyone gasped, including Ryan, when they saw how beautiful she looked in her dress, it was kinda like a princess dress but white, it had a beautiful puffy skirt with sparkles in it and the bodice was lined with little gems that looked like diamonds (even though they weren't cuz that would be like major league expensive and probably not very comfortable), she looked so beautiful as they walked down that isle, finally they got to the top and Bonnie bowed her head at Ryan as she leg go of dove's arm, he bowed his head back and as she sat down the ceremony began*
Officiator: we are gathered here today to celebrate the Union of Chloe Celeste Hosterman and Ryan Jerome McCartan in holy matrimony, if anyone has an reason as to why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace
*it remains silent and they smile at each other, his whispers to her*
Ryan: you look so beautiful
*dove blushes bright pink and he chuckles a little, he loved how cute she was*
Officiator: alright then we'll have the vows now, Ryan you go first
*he reaches back not turning around, Colton hands him the paper with his vows written on, he puts them in his other hand and they high five, Ryan still not turning around, everyone chuckles including a little nervous giggle from dove*
Ryan: dove when I first met you god I hated your guts
*she laughs and he does too*
Ryan: but after I git to know you I realised how deep you are and how emotionally raw you can be, you are beautiful and talented and the best thing that's ever happened to me and I thank god every day for bringing you to me, I love your smile, I love the way your eyes light up when you laugh, and I love how sweet and awkward you are, it's what I love most about you, Chloe you are my everything and you always will be
Officiator: Chloe your turn
*dove starts tearing up at Ryan's vow, still smiling but she crus nonetheless, he laughs, pulls her into him and hugs her*
Ryan: come on baby you got this
Dove: i know
*she chuckles*
Dove: I've had so much trouble writing these, I mean I didn't know how to describe everything I love about you and then I realised that's all I needed to say, i love everything about you, even the things I hate, you are perfect for me, you always know exactly what I need without me having to say a word, you're always there to pick me up well I fall and you keep me steady and grounded, for that I will be forever grateful, I will be yours until the end of my days, you can never know how much I love you but if I know one thing it's that you love me in the exact same way, you are the only person for me, it's always been that way and it always will be
Officiator: now can we have the rings?
*colton hands Ryan the ring for dove and Alison hands dove the ring for Ryan*
Officiator: Chloe, do you take Ryan to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health till death do you part?
Dove: I do
*she puts the ring on his finger*
Officiate: Ryan, do you take Chloe to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health till death do you part?
Ryan: I do
*he puts the ring on her finger*
Officiator: then by the powers vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride
Ryan: on it!
*everyone laughs as the kiss deeply*
Ryan: I love you, Mrs. McCartan
*she laughs*
Dove: I love you too
*later that evening at home*
Ryan: is it weird?
Dove: what?
Ryan: the idea that we're married I mean I don't know it's just different I guess
Dove: do you not like it?
Ryan: god no Chlo I was just wondering
Dove: I guess it is a little strange but it's a good kind of strange
Ryan: yeah it really is, you're mine forever now
Dove: I like being yours
Ryan: oh yeah?
Dove: yeah
*she smiles as he smirks*
Ryan: well how about I make you mine right now then?
Dove: is that an offer?
*Ryan's response is not in words but in actions, he pulls her close to him, their bodies colliding as their lips lockinto a deep kiss*

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