A lie?

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*he takes a deep breath so as to not loose his temper and turns calmly back to the door
Ryan: Chloe please open that door
Dove: how am I meant to believe that?!
Ryan: I don't know! I just know that I love you more than anything I would never deliberately do anything that would hurt you
*dove gets up slowly and unlocks the door, she opens it and Ryan steps in slowly, he turns he her and try's to places his hand on her cheek, she moves away so he can't, still not quite trusting him*
Ryan: Chloe baby I swear to you that that's a lie
Dove: I just, I need some air, I'm gonna go for a walk
Ryan: umm Chlo I would really rather you didn't for your own benifit as well as mine
Dove: why?!
Ryan: because there's a bunch of reporters outside our building
Dove: great!
*she says sarcastically*
Ryan: baby please just believe me, you know me, you know I love you way to much to ever cheat on you
*dove takes a deep breath*
Dove: I guess I know that
Ryan: I would prove it to you but how?
Dove: I don't know
*she says still looking really heartbroken*
Ryan: I know
*he smirks a little, he pushes her back gently against the wall and kisses her gently but passionately, at first she is hesitant but then she gives in an kisses him back, eventually they detach*
Dove: I'm sorry
Ryan: no I get it, I would've died inside of I'd have read that about you
Dove: it's all over the web now
Ryan: yeah
*he looks quite disheartened*
Dove: I have an idea
Ryan: so you believe me?
Dove: of course I do ry, I love you
Ryan: and I love you more than anything
Dove: come on we're going out for a walk
Ryan: but you shouldn't really be doing that you're still recuperating
Dove: Ry I'm fine now come on and get ready we're going out for a walk as a family, that should send them a message and if not we'll give them the statement that they want but not quite the one they're expecting
Ryan: you sure you want to do that?
Dove: they are not going to call my husband a cheater and get away with it
Ryan: okay come on then
*they get everything ready, get the twins in their stroller and head out, right outside their building they are met but a load of reporters all trying to get a statement and pictures, the twins especially are rarely seen but Ryan shields them and dove from the cameras as best he can, he eventually gets them to shut up and back off enough for them to talk*
Ryan: you guys want a statement about the recent allegations of cheating
Dove: I want to make this clear right now, Ryan is not cheating, he has never cheated and he never will cheat, he's faithful to me end of story
Ryan: we both love each other with all our hearts and my family means way too much to me for me to ever cheat
Dove: if you want proof then here it is
*she turns to Ryan and kisses him deeply, there are a bunch of pictures taken and then they say no comment to any other questions and leave, they walk to the park and sit down on a bench for a bit*
Ryan: baby I'm so sorry, I don't know who would ever do this
Dove: I think we both know that
Ryan: no she wouldn't, would she?
Dove: she would
Ryan: whatever it doesn't even matter because it's only you and these two that I need to be happy
Dove: no one else?
*she says as she slips a hand onto her belly while he's not looking, suddenly getting a slightly nervous feeling*
Ryan: no, only you guys
*she tries not to let that get to her, after a while they go back, walk straight past them snuggled together as he pushes the buggy, they then put the twins down for a nap and curl up on the couch*

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