Kepping going

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*the next morning Ryan decides to get up fairly early have eventually managed to sleep for an hour or two, seeing dove is still asleep he carefully gets up of bed trying not to wake her, he at least wants her to get a good nights rest, she had an eventful night too, so he opens the door the closes it behind him as gently as he possibly can and finds his sister in the hallway*
Alison: oh hey ry.....
Ryan: shhhhhh she's sleeping
*he whispers*
Alison: oh my god I'm sorry
Ryan: yeah no me too I just I guess uhhh it's my fault dragged her all the way out here, I just wanted to say goodbye
*they both begin to tear up so they have a hug and take a deep breath*
Ryan: you know he had no interest in talking about himself, all he wanted to talk about was me and my life
Alison: yeah same here, but look come on let's go do this downstairs we don't want to wake her up
Ryan: yeah good point let's go
*they walk down he stairs one behind the other in their pyjamas and when they enter the living room they find their parents say on the couch also in their pyjamas
R dad: hey kids
R mom: where's Chloe?
Ryan: upstairs sleeping, I didn't see the point in interrupting her if I didn't need to
R dad: no good idea
R mom: we thought perhaps you guys would all stay a couple of days if that's okay, so we could be together as a family
Ryan: I'm not sure that that's a good idea for Chloe and I've got a lot of things to get done before the twins arrive
Alison: just a couple of days
Ryan: yeah but I'm not sure I want Chloe around you guys if stress does that to her
R mom: I promise we will be completely welcoming and plus it would do her some good to not have to do anything for a few days
Ryan: I'll have to talk to her about it but if she agrees then I guess it's okay
Alison: and of course I'll stay
*noises come from upstairs where dove is sleeping, mumbling and and creaking*
Ryan: oh god
Alison: what's going on?
R dad: is she okay?!
Ryan: nightmares, give me a minute
*he runs upstairs into their room and get onto the bed next to a mumbling and wriggling dove, she is clearly agitated*
Ryan: Chloe, baby, come on, wake up, it's just a bad dream, come on, come back, wake up baby
*she flys up with a start and almost screams*
Dove: NO!
Ryan: Chlopop babe it was just a dream okay? Come here
*he pulls her into him, she is still shaking a bit as he does*
Dove: I'm sorry
Ryan: we've talked about this, you don't need to apologise it's not your fault you have nightmares, now look I'll stay here with you until you get back to sleep okay?
Dove: okay, thank you
Ryan: I'll alway be here baby so now you go to sleep
*she half nods and half just snuggles into him and within minutes she is out like a light, he gently lifts her head, takes himself out from underneath her and places a pillow there instead then makes sure she's tucked in and goes back downstairs, when he walks in they are all staring at the door waiting for him*
Alison: what just happened?!
Ryan: like I said nightmares and can we keep down the volume please
R mom: I think what Alison means is since when has she been having nightmares?
Ryan: since she was fifteen
R dad: what happened when she was fifteen?
Alison: DAD!!
*Alison hisses at her dad knowing full well what happened*
Ryan: never ask that in front of her EVER you hear me?!
R dad: why, what is it?
Ryan: her dad died when she was fifteen
R mom: oh my god we didn't know we just figured that their relationship wasn't very good that was why she didn't talk about him
Ryan: god no she worshipped her father
R dad: I am really sorry I didn't mean to I just didn't know
R mom: how did it happen?
Ryan: we don't talk about it
R dad: we understand
Alison: what are the nightmares about?
Ryan: I don't really know it's just her dads death pretty much I think, it gets especially bad when people pass away because it reminds her of it, I should've seen it coming
Alison: anyway let's not talk about that, let's talk about something else
*everyone sits in silence for a few minutes until Ryan's mom pipes up with*
R mom: so how's the nursery coming?
Ryan: everything's done except the cribs which I was doing when you called then when that's done I just have to install the car seats and we're all set
R mom: good
*they all sit in silence for a few more minutes, this time Ryan breaking it to say*
Ryan: I don't mean to sound insensitive but do we have and idea about like when the funeral would be because obviously I want to be there but if it's cutting it too close to the due date I won't be able to
R dad we don't know yet bud
Ryan: okay I was just wondering
*they spend the next 40 or so minutes doing the same occasional awkward conversation until someone suggests breakfast so the all wander in the kitchen and sit down with some toast*

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