The funeral

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*two weeks later they are back for the funeral having arrived the night before and leaving tomorrow morning so as to not cause dove to get stressed it do too much seeing as she's two weeks away from due, they are at Ryan's parents house, getting ready to go*
Ryan: okay so you just stay sat down okay, don't worry about all of the standing up and stuff just keep yourself as comfortable as you can, yeah?
Dove: Ryan baby your blabbering
Ryan: oh sorry I didn't mean to I just I don't know it's all just coming out and I....
Dove: sweetheart your doing it again, just take a deep breath and try again
Ryan: sorry
Dove: why? You have no reason to be
Ryan: thanks
Dove: are you sure your up to speaking today I'm sure everyone would understand if you weren't
Ryan: no I really do want to do it, I'm sure it'll be okay
Dove: alright as long as your sure
Ryan: hey I'm supposed to be worrying about you not the other way around
*he tries to act like nothings wrong, he doesn't know if it worked or not so he just hopes it did, an hour later they are in the church and it's Ryan's turn to speak, he kisses dove then gets up and walk to the podium where the speaker is, he pulls the piece of paper with his speech on out of his pocket, opens it out and lays it on the stand, he goes to read it out but then stops, dove looks at him worriedly, he crumpled it up and throws it into a nearby bin*
Ryan: I ha d a whole speech prepared about how he was a great man who did great things and lived a long and fulfilling life and he was and he did but that wasn't why I loved him so much, I loved him because he was always there for me with whatever was going on he always supported me even when no one else did and he was always on my side even when I was wrong
*his voice begins to crack*
Ryan: he was my rock, always pushing me to be better always there to back me up if I needed it, even when he knew he didn't have long left he didn't want to talk about himself he wanted to hear all about my life and how he was gonna be a great-grandad he was so proud and so happy for me and just wanted to be supportive
*Ryan's voice begins to fail and tears start to fall from his eyes*
Ryan: and now he's gone and I...I...
*he looses it, he falls to his knees as the people gasp an mutter and look at him worriedly, dove runs over to him and carefully bends down next to him and hugs him as he cries*
Dove: okay honey come on let's go sit down
*he nods trying not to cry anymore and they go and sit back in their seats, a few minutes later the service is over and they walk outside, they sit down on a bench*
Dove: I know you wanted to stay for the wake but I think it would be better if we went home
Ryan: yeah I've got to baby proof a few things and install the car seats asap
Dove: no honey I meant that you should relax for a bit
Ryan: I just don't want to stop because if I stop I'll think about him  and what happened and I just can't
Dove: you're going to have to you deal with it eventually it's better if you start now rather than put it off
Ryan: I know but I just don't think I'm ready yet
Dove: I get it trust me I know what it feels like to lose someone close to you but it will hurt more if you wait to deal with it
Ryan: but I just don't want to let go
Dove: then don't know the saying you have to let go of him
Ryan: Will it get better?
Dove: that depends on what you mean
Ryan: Will the pain ever go away
Dove: no, but it will get better, I promise you
Ryan: I can't believe you had to deal with this when you were fifteen
Dove: yeah I know
Ryan: I'm gonna go say bye you go get in the car
Dove: I should probably come and say goodbye as well
Ryan: it's fine, they won't mind
Dove: okay
*he hands her the keys and once he has said goodbye he gets in and drives them back home*

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