An unexpected surprise

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*a few hours after Ryan's come back they are sat eating lunch together in front of the TV when Dove starts to get the sick feeling for earlier come back and then she feels something move inside of her stomach*
Dove: I'm just gonna run to the toilet I'll be back in a min
Ryan: okay Chlo
*she gets up and walks out fairly speedily and as soon as she is out of sight she runs and doesn't stop until she gets into the toilet where she once again locks the door, she feels dizzy so she places her hands on the sink to steady herself and she looks down into the sink until the queasy feeling in her stomach begins to subside at which point she looks up at herself in the mirror, she looks so pale and she didn't want Ryan to notices because she didn't want to have to explain everything until she either confirmed or denied what she feared was happening, she didn't know why she feared it, she just did*
Dove: okay girl come get yourself together
*she took a deep breath put on a little blusher so as to make herself look a bit less like a ghost, hoping he wouldn't notice
Dove: oh god what am I doing he's gonna notice, no I need to stop this if I act like there's nothing wrong then why would he think there was?
*having reassured herself, walked back out and snuggled up with him trying to avoid eye contact, she couldn't look him in he eye for fear he would see though all her charades or that she would lose her cool and blab everything out and frighten him, and as soon as they were done watching TV she excused herself claiming she just had to pop out for something*
Ryan: I can come if you want
Dove: nah I'm good, you've got stuff you've got to do, I won't be long
Ryan: okay well I've got to pop out in about half an hour so will you be here when I get back?
Dove: yeah I should be
Ryan: okay love you
*he hops up and jogs over to her and they kiss, dove pulls out quickly and runs out the door as she goes just popping out over her shoulder*
Dove: love you too bye
*and with that she runs out, accidentally slamming the door as she goes and rushes to get into her car as fast as she can, she fumbles the key into the ignition and drives off to the drug store*
*about 20 minutes later she gets back home find Ryan just getting ready to go*
Ryan: good I wanted to say bye cuz I could be gone for a few hours, you can come if you want, you know my sister would love to see you
Dove: I've got some stuff I've got to do here and plus she wants to see her brother not her brother and his girlfriend
Ryan: she wouldn't mind she adores you
Dove: I know she does sweetie and I adore her too but honestly it's fine I have some really important stuff to do
Ryan: okay I'll be back 2-3 hours tops
Dove: cool I love you
Ryan: I love you too my little rollerchloster
*she gave her best smile, she wasn't sure if it was fake or not, and then they kissed just before he walked out of the door putting his phone and keys in his pocket as he went*
Dove: good now I can get on with this
*she puts the bag down and out of it she pulls a pregnancy test*
Dove: if it's positive, it's okay we'll figure it out
*she wasn't sure if that was reassurance or the truth but she didn't want to have to think about it she she ran into the toilet, locked the door and got the test out of the box, she read the instructions then took the test, she then just sat there on the bathroom floor with a timer going on her phone*
Dove: two minute it said, God two minutes I can't wait that long
*she sat there staring at it panicking and then as she turned away to check the timer it went off, she almost couldn't dare to look*
Dove: okay you're ready for this answer whatever it is
*inside she thought perhaps she did kinda want this to be positive, she lived kids and her and Ryan were ready, weren't they? And there was the reason it was only a little bit that she wanted it to be positive, where they? She couldn't do this to herself any longer so she went and she looked at it*
Dove: oh my god....I'm pregnant

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