Telling family part 2

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* he walks over and helps her up, they walk over to the chair in the corner and he sits don't carefully pulling her onto his lap, he wipes away her tears and kisses her cheek*
Ryan: honey what's going on?
Dove: your parents they're gonna be so mad, I don't think they really like me that much anyway and I really want them to, I so want them to be happy for us, but I'm worried that they're gonna hate me for it
Ryan: woah Chloe baby they love you, really they do and I'm sure they will be happy for us, don't take their first reaction to heart if it's not what we're hoping for they're just not like you're family, I'm sure they'll be happy for us and if they're not then that's their loss not ours
Dove: but they're your parents
Ryan: and you're the love of my life, you're going to be the mother of my children and if they can't be happy for us then that's up to them but from now on your needs are my too priory your my princess and I promised to take care of you, that's a promise I intend to keep you and the twins are the most important thing okay sweetie
Dove: okay
Ryan: if you need me at any point this morning just let me know and I'll be there
Dove: thank you
Ryan: it's what I'm here for
*he smiles at her happily and she smiles weakly back, what she doesn't realise is his smile may be happy but his fear that what she said may be true was weighing heavily on his mind but he just looked at the girl he loves, sat on his lap, snuggling into him happily, puts his hand on her stomach where their twins are and ignores the worry and the doubt, after all if he didn't believe what he was saying then why should she?*
Ryan: come on let's get you dressed
Dove: okay
* an hour later they arrive at Ryan's parents' house, his sister answers the door*
Alison: hey guys come on in
Ryan: we're not late are we, we were a bit delayed
*he squeezes doves hand*
Dove: yeah sorry about that
Alison: no you're fine, the food will be ready in about five minutes
*she closes the door behind them, they take their shoes off and walk into the kitchen*
R mom: hey honey how are you doing?
Ryan: I'm good how've you guys been?
R dad: we've been good, it's lovely to see you Chloe
Dove: thanks it great to see you too
*sensing a slight awkwardness surrounding dove Alison steps in*
Alison: Chloe can you help me come set the table
Dove: course I'd be happy to
*they run off and dove thanks Alison as they go*
Ryan: mom, dad can you guys try not to be completely awkward around Chloe
R mom: I don't know what you mean
Ryan: mom I love you but you know exactly what I mean and I know you do
R dad: I'm sorry son we're just trying to make sure you're happy
Ryan: and that girl that you are alienating is the one person who makes me truly happy
R mom: I wouldn't say we were alienating her
Ryan: mom don't play games please not today, look we have some news and when we tell you I don't care what your opinion actually is can you please just act like you're happy about it whether you are or you aren't we can talk about it later okay?
R dad: Ryan!
Ryan: dad I'm serious can you just for once do something to help my relationship as opposed to ruin it
R mom: you know we don't mean to cause trouble between you and dove
Ryan: for the thousandth time it's Chloe
R mom: but her name is dove now legally
Ryan: but her name to her family and close friends is still Chloe and as the parents of her long term boyfriend you therefore fall under that category so can you please just do this for me, as soon as we've finished eating and I'll get Alison to take Chloe out of earshot so we can talk, okay?
R dad: yes, okay, fine
Ryan: thank you
*they take the food in when it is ready and they eat it as they talk and laugh as unawkwardly as possible, eventually when the foods done it's time to makes the announcement so Ryan gets everyone's attention*
Ryan: Chloe and I have an announcement to make, she's pregnant, we're having twins
*dove smiles awkwardly, Alison becomes excited and so dove becomes kind of excited again too, Ryan sort of glares at his parents from across the table*
R mom: oh well congratulations
R dad: yes
*Ryan gives them a bit of a look at the lack of enthusiasm they show and just hopes that dove didn't notice, they then clear the stuff away and Ryan just kind of gestures to Alison to take dove out, Alison nods and does so, they leave and then Ryan and his parents get downs to business*
Ryan: come on hit me with your best shot
R mom: Ryan do you really think that low of us?!
Ryan: mom do play games just cut to the chase
R dad: okay then we're not happy, Ryan your too young, your not ready and the relationship between the two of you isn't steady enough to raise a child
Ryan: what you want to say is that we're not married and you don't want your first grandchildren to be born out of wedlock
R mom: we didn't say that, but yes, and come on Ryan you can do better than her, I mean you had sex did she make you?!
Ryan: OH MY GOD MOM!!!! We've been together for almost 5 years we live together, we share a bed, what did you think we do there sleep with a good amount of distance between us?! No of course we don't, I'm happy about this so why can't you be?!
R dad: because we want what's best for you and it's not that girl and her kids at 24
* dove reveals herself from behind the door, she had come back for something and stopped when she heard what they were saying, she had an expression of hurt crossed with pure horror spread across her face, she takes one look at Ryan, who is staring at her with a look of almost terror across his face, and runs off just as Alison walks up behind her*
Ryan: great work you two and I'm just gonna say this once they're not 'her' kids they're 'our' kids so thank you for breakfast but don't expect to be seeing us back any time soon and Alison really?!
* Ryan gives his parents one last glance, a glance filled with what could only be described as hate, he grabbed her bag which she had left on the table and ran after dove who had run outside to where the car was, she she was stood leaning against it in a flood of tears her makeup all smudged*

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