Its time

439 20 12

*they soon arrive at the hospital and are sent into a room, Claire arrives just as they do, living a fair bit closer to the hospital and takes the twins from Ryan who helps dove who is in significantly more pain to the room, she quickly changes into her hospital gown with his help and gets into the bed, her waters had already broken and she was close, she knew she was but she couldn't help like feeling there was something wrong, the doctor soon rushes in having heard about the pain she was in and what Ryan had said about her saying something wasn't right*
Doctor: okay so Chloe how much pain are you in on a scale of 1 to 10
Dove: 7 and a half
Doctor: right okay and you say something doesn't feel right
Dove: I don't know how to explain it
Doctor: okay then let's take a little look
*he puts the gel onto her stomach and uses the scanner to get a picture up on the monitor his and his face becomes worried*
Doctor: so your baby is currently in the breach position, so she's legs down instead of head down as we would like her to be
Ryan: what does that mean for her
Doctor: well it wouldn't be so bad if this was a normal birth but with the baby being so tired and therefore tiring your wife out faster we will have to her her and help her come out
Ryan: is that not risky?
Doctor: if done properly it shouldn't be dove: w...when are you going to do that?
Doctor: you're almost fully dilated so we will have to do it now before the baby leaves your uterus
Dove: w...will it hurt her....or me?
Doctor: her you no, you a little uncomfortable but not painful
Ryan: okay
Doctor: I'll be back in a second with the nurse and we'll begin
Ryan: thank you Doctor
*the doctor leaves and dove bursts into tears*
Ryan: I know it sounds scary but it'll be fine and I'll be here to hold your hand the entire time
Dove: okay
*the doctor walks in with two nurses and they begin, as he uses his special equipment to turn the baby's around inside dove so she can come out properly dove squeezes Ryans hand and keeps her eyes tightly shut in an attempt to hold back tears, as soon as he's done he tells them that the baby is coming and dove begins to to push with a bit of help from forceps as they had been told would be required a few weeks prior*
Dove: ahhhhh ohhh myyyy goddddd, ughhhhhhh
*eventually the head is out and she just has to do the last little bit on her own*
Dove: owwwww ahhhhhhh ohhhhhhh
*and then she lets out a huge sigh of relief and it's all finally over until she notices*
Dove: why isn't she crying?!
Ryan: Chlo
Ryan: Chlo calm down
*she begins to cry*
Dove: Ryan is our baby.....dead?.........
Ryan: Chloe
*they both look at the nurses and the doctor all standing around where the baby is and the suddenly*
Chloe: oh thank god
*the baby starts crying erratically*
Ryan: thank god
*he however speaks under his breath trying to seem like he wasn't nervous for her benefit*
Doctor: she just fine, she had a little trouble breathing for a minute, but she's okay, she may have to spend a few days in the NICU centre upstairs but she's fine and you'll be able to see her whenever you like, I want to do a few tests on you as well to make sure everything's okay because you looks very pale and that can be a sign of anaemia just after a birth
Ryan: but she's okay?!
Doctor: both your daughter and your wife are absolutely fine
Ryan: thank you Doctor
Dove: can I hold her?
Doctor: of course
*the nurse walks over to dove and hands her the baby*
Doctor: we'll be back in about an hour to take her up to the NICU unit
Dove: okay
Doctor: congratulations
*he and the two nurses leave*
Ryan: you okay baby?
Dove: uh yeah I will be I think I just need to calm down a little first
Ryan: you had a bit of a scare, it's okay to be a little shocked and with all of the hormones most women tend to just cry
Dove: I'm sure we'll get to that later
Ryan: sounds like you and her are gonna be in here for a few days
Dove: sorry
Ryan: why are you sorry about that?
Dove: I have absolutely no idea
Ryan: so what do you want to call her we haven't really talked about it much
Dove: she feels like a Sarah or Elise to me
Ryan: then which one would you like best?
Dove: I really don't know, umm I think Elise
Ryan: okay then Elise it is and a middle name?
Dove: this is gonna sound really stupid but can it be Madison? I mean that character is what brought us here in the first place
Ryan: that doesn't sound at all stupid, it's actually amazingly romantic and I love it
Dove: okay then Elise Madison McCartan it is
Ryan: she's beautiful just like her mother
Dove: I love you
Ryan: I love you too....

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