Somethings up with Dove

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*2 months later, just before they're about to go to bed, Dove's sat in bed and Ryan's wandering in and out of the bedroom and the connecting bathroom*
Ryan: you need anything before you go to bed chlopop?
Dove: no I'm good
Ryan: you sure?
Dove: I said no!
Ryan: okay, I'm sorry!
Dove: no I'm sorry honey, I've been feeling weird all day, I don't know why, I didn't sleep very well last night, I guess that's got something to do with it
Ryan: oh sweetheart, you feeling okay? Is there something up?
Dove: I'm okay baby, I think it was just a bit hot last night
Ryan: okay, do you want me to turn the heating down?
Dove: no thanks I'm a bit cold right now
Ryan: here
*he hands her a clean sweatshirt of his, she throws it on happily and snuggles into it*
Ryan: I'm just gonna go brush my teeth, I'll be in in a minute
Dove: okay baby
*he goes and brushes his teeth and when he comes back he finds her snuggled under the sheets asleep, he smiles and climbs in next to her, she instinctively snuggles into him, still asleep and with his arm around her he falls asleep to
*The next day she wakes up early feeling sick, she gets up and runs to the toilet downstairs so Ryan doesn't wake up and as soon as she locks the door she drops to the floor in front of the toilet and grows up into it, holding her hair back as she does, after about a two and a half minutes she finally stops, she flushes the toilet the sits back, after minute she stands up a bit shakily and washes out her mouth before going back up into the bedroom to find Ryan sat up in bed, he looks at her as she walks in and she does a double take when she sees he's awake*
Ryan: you okay babe? We had a late night so I was gonna let you sleep in whilst I went for a jog but when I looked you weren't there
Dove: oh yeah sorry I just had to do something downstairs
Ryan: okay, seeing as your up wanna come for a run with me?
Dove: uh not today, I'm still really tired I'm gonna go back to bed for a little while I'm not felling so great so hopefully I can sleep it off
Ryan: I don't want to leave it to you if I don't feel well
Dove: no I'll be fine, you go have a nice run I'll be alright
Ryan: okay babe, I won't be gone more than an hour, I'll take my phone, promise you'll call me if you need me
Dove: I swear I will, now go enjoy the fresh air
Ryan: okay have a nice sleep and try and feel better, do you want me to wake you up when I get back or just leave you to sleep
Dove: wake me up
Ryan: okay honey
*he walks over bends down and kisses her in the forehead before saying goodbye and turning and walking away, slightly worriedly, he grabs his keys and his phone and heads outwits his headphones in*

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