Not so surprise party

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* that evening they all head out for doves 'surprise' party, Bonnie is babysitting the twins, they arrive at the venue, when they walk in its dark and everyone suddenly jumps out and yells surprise turning on the lights as they do so*
Dove: thank you so much guys, but I feel I should point out, I'm pregnant if you're not careful you could literally scare the baby right out of me
Ryan: remind me of that trick about 6 months from now
*everyone laughs*
Dove: but really thank you to everyone for coming and celebrating my....
*she blanks and looks at Ryan covertly*
Ryan: 23
*he coughs over it in that obvious kind of way*
Dove: 23rd birthday!
*everyone laughs again*
Dove: I'm sorry I was up at some unearthly hour this morning with two very loud and very cryey twins and then I'm also pregnant which adds on being sick every day SOOO I think I deserve a break on some things
*she laughs and then they all laugh yet again*
Ryan: now let's party and celebrate my beautiful angel of a wife's 23rd birthday party
*he whoops and then they all cheer and the music starts playing and the party begins*
Dove: who actually planned this?
Ryan: there was like a committee
*he jokes and as he smirks she laughs*
Dove: where you on that committee?
*she smiles*
Ryan: I might have been
Dove: well then thank you for whatever you did and for everything else you've done and given me since the day I first laid eyes upon you
*they then all take it in turns to say what they love about dove and how much they love her and then finally it's Ryans turn, he gets up on stage and takes the mic from Claire who was last to say happy birthday*
Ryan: uh I honestly don't know where to begin about how much I love you, I definitely can't think of anything that either has t been said here or I haven't said to you one hundred times before so here goes nothing, Chloe baby you are my world, you light up my life and everything in it, even in the darkest times you always find a way to brighten thing up, you're the reason I have to keep on going, just to wake up to you in the morning, to be enchanted by those beautiful emerald eyes is an honour and I blessing, you will never understand how my I love you because if I'm honest I don't it's beyond understanding, I'm so lucky to get every day I have with you, yto call you my wife is a happiness I never thought I'd get until I met you, when I first met you and spoke to you well I hated you so much it was unbelievable I thought you were arrogant and self important but as I got to know you I got to see all of the layers of you and understand who you are, I'm so thankful that I was wrong about you, you stole my heart and I'd like to think I stole yours too, you have given me two beautiful children and with another one on the way I'm happier than should be humanly possible and it's all because of you so thank you for being the wonderful, amazing, beautiful you that we all know and love, now if like to sing you a little song I wrote for you myself so I hope you like it
*he grabs his guitar from Colton who is at the side of the stage and begins to play a beautiful love song, when he is finished she is blushing so hard, she runs up into the stage, she jumps up and he spins her around as everyone awws*
Ryan: I love you more than anything my sweet little birthday girl
Dove: I love you too
*they kiss and everyone cheers and applauds, they pull away and rest their foreheads against each other's as the music starts to play again and everyone gets lost in the music and the dancing and just generally having a good time*

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