1st day ~ part 2

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*after quite a few read throughs and some other stuff with kenny just explaining kinda how he wanted particular scenes to go it was lunch and dove was absolutely starving, she literally shot over to the food, grabbed a load sand then went to sit down the others joined her in a huge group of all of the main cast that were all the squad of sorts and every single one of the looked at dove strangely except Sofia*
Dove: what?! You try growing a baby and see how hungry you get
*at which point they all sit down laughing a little*
Dove: sorry, mood swings, you'll have to bare with me here
Sofia: I think we can let you off
Dove: thanks, so how've you guys been?
Brenna: I moved out, got my own place
Cameron: hey congrats
Brenna: you know that, I live in the same building as you
Cameron: good point you do
Brenna: I was literally at yours last night
Dove: ooohhhhh
*they both turn bright red*
Cameron: oh no it's not....
Mitchell: you guys didn't think it was actually a secret did you?
Jedidiah: yeah like no offence to you dove but that would be like her coming in and saying she wasn't pregnant
Dove: yeah and I definitely look it soooo
Brenna: alright we're a thing
Booboo: what sort of 'thing' are we talking here? Like hand holding, or more along the lines of what got dove where she is
Dove: okay one or two baby jokes was all I'm good faith but I'm hormonal and crazy don't push me
Booboo: yes ma'am
*they all get a slight bit scared for a second but ease out of it*
Brenna: I'd prefer not to answer that
Dianne: well that kinda answers itself
Jedidiah: anyone else care to share?
*they all kinda mumble not really*
Mitchell: I did say to some of you earlier, but I got engaged, we're taking our time though
Dianne: well that's nice
Jedidiah: yeah congrats man
Brenna: anyone else cuz we're still on lunch for ten more minutes
*they all look at dove*
Dove: hey my news is all out in the open, it's like I can exactly hide it from you
Sofia: care to give us any details?
Dove: oh right okay, so 3 and a half months pregnant with a little baby girl
*they all congratulate her*
Cameron: so that'll make it two girls and a boy
Dove: yep we will officially outnumber them
*she and Sofia high five*
Sofia: what did Ryan say when you told him? How did you tell him?
Dove: okay so this was quite an awkwardly cute story, I think anyway, so I was a nervous wreck, like I was totally losing it because like I'd found out about two weeks before and it took me a week to work up the courage to do it but then the stuff with the tabloids happened just as I was about to, I guess you saw all the cheating rumours
Booboo: yeah
Dove: they weren't actually true, but me being as hormonal as possible I flipped out completely and over reacted massively, screaming and crying and yelling, I wouldn't believe a word he said, but when we finally sorted it out and he managed to talk some sense to me in a way that would sink in we went for a walk in the park and I was about to tell him when he made some comment about how me and the twins were all he'd ever need cuz he has problems with his parents and stuff, we haven't spoken to them in quite a while last Christmas I think but anyways so that threw me off completely and so I couldn't get the words out at all so I wrote it on a piece of card something along the lines of 'your present will be delievered approximately nine months from when you ordered it' and he read it and I guess it took him a minute to figure out what I meant, not that I'd know because I was to busy staring at my hands in my lap, losing my mind and stuff, I think I started crying at one point and then he was just like seriously and when I said yes thinking he was about to lose it he was just super happy and so I'd spent two weeks emotionally destroying myself for nothing
Cameron: that's super sweet
Brenna: genuinely almost in tears myself
*they all laugh and then they're soon called back into the room to keep going*

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