The results - part 1

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*about a week later, dove is in bed as she has been for a large majority of the week, she's been pretty upset and kinda depressed, she barely noticed Ryan and she won't let him touch her, she's barely laid eyes on the twins and they keep crying because they miss their mommy, no matter how much time their dad spends with them which is a lot as he's not allowed near dove seemingly, in the back of his mind he was worried about their relationship, he had the distinct feeling that if she lost the baby it would all be too much and they'd be over, he'd had to call the Disney studios and explain that she was going through a tough time and was quite ill and hope they would take that, which they did saying only that they wished her a speedy recovery and hoped that everything was okay, they said they would commence filming when she was up to it which he had thanked them for but he felt lost, his only solace was that it wasn't just him she was freezing out, her mother and sister had both visited and had both received the same treatment he was getting, he could hug her if he really wanted to but she would just stand there like a rock so he didn't see the point although he was desperate to just hold her tightly to him and tell her it would be okay, the only other problem with that being that he didn't know if it would be, it had been a miserable week, one of the few mumbling a she gave him was that she wanted to sleep separately for a while, she was pushing him away, he was sure she didn't mean to hurt him but really it was killing him inside, that evening he was sat with the twins who where crawling around in their room, he watched them play but all he could think about was dove, he was seriously worried about her and the baby, as far as he could tell, she was only eating just barely enough, she really ought be eating more and doing more but she just couldn't find the energy, or she didn't want to, neither of them where quite sure about which, seeing the twins play put this little lingering fear into the back of his mind that he may never get to see that baby play like these two were now, he didn't know why, he was sure it wasn't that bad, dove would be being monitored in a hospital if they were seriously worried about her miscarrying but he just couldn't get that thought out of his mind, like it was stuck there however desperately he wanted it out, he was brought out of his thoughts when Charlotte started trying to crawl up into his lap, the twins look about as happy as he was, he knew how much they missed their mom, he missed her too but they were confused, at least he knew why she was icing him out and he didn't blame her for it, if that was what she needed to do to keep going he would try his best to be okay with it, whether it killed him or not, that had been his view a few days ago, now he was starting to lose his calm, he lifted Charlotte up and tried to pull a smile and he did, it wasn't extremely convincing to your average human but sweet little Charlotte was too young to know the difference so she didn't*
Ryan: hey baby, how are you today? You good? Yeah? Okay
*he kisses the top of her head then sits her in his lap where stay for a minute or two then gets bored and gets off, he sees Alfie try to stand up and helps but he loses hi valence and falls back down, Charlotte starts laughing at him and as Alfie starts giggle Ryan half heartedly chuckles, not quite meaning it but trying his best, he hears a cream from outside the door and looks around but when he doesn't see anyone he just shakes it off, he guesses he probably just imagined it or maybe dove snuck past to get something to eat, going then to avoid him which killed him just that little bit more but what he didn't know was she'd been hiding behind the door watching for a good ten minutes, she took a deep breath when she realised he's heard her and to his surprise she quietly walked in and sat down next to him, there still a few inches between them but this was the closest they'd been in days, he didn't want to wreck it so he just played it cool and kept doing what he'd been doing, he turned to her gave her a small smile and just before he turned away again she gave him a little smile back, it stayed awkwardly quiet for a minute when she finally broke the silence, she couldn't look him in the eye so she did it whilst he was looking away, she knew what she'd been doing must've really hurt him, it had killed her to do it but she couldn't handle trying to be happy, she just needed to be sad for a while and she couldn't do that with Ryan around, she'd just needed her space, she hoped to god he understood and she had a feeling he did, he was the best person she'd ever met and he always understood her, sometimes even better than she understood herself, she finally worked up the nerve and did it*
Dove: hi
*her voice was barely above a whisper, he turned to look at her, slightly taken aback that it had come at all but he tried his best to keep it at the same pace*
Ryan: hi
*she looked down their eyes having made contact for what was merely a split second but felt like a year to both of them, he looked back at the twins and started playing with Charlotte again, Alfie clambered up onto dove who smiled a little, she felt almost as though she hadn't seen him in years and suddenly had a wave of 'I don't even know what I'm doing' it was like he wasn't even her son, she was so confused, she felt like a terrible mother and if she was being honest she kinda nod had been this past week, she had only step foot in the nursery one and all she had done was put charlottes teddy back in her crib as she had dropped it as dove had walked past the door in the middle of the night, she went to say something but then stopped herself, having no clue what to say, she just started playing with Alfie, trying desperately to find her old rhythm*
Dove: hey baby, have you been good? Yeah? Well aren't you a good boy
*her voice still quite quiet, Ryan sat next to her awkwardly listening and hang off every word she spoke, silently playing with Charlotte, he felt a warm feeling at the fact she'd come this far, it was a start, good progress, he was trying to be very careful not to do anything to make her retreat back to their bedroom which was currently just hers, she went to grab something but Ryan went for it too causing their hands to touch, now the newest version of the closest they'd been in days, they both looked at their hands, neither pulling away and just as they went to look at each other his phone rang, they took one look at who it was and they took their hands away but looked each other straight in the eye*

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